Page 87 of Knot My Pack

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“Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?” Julian explodes, his gaze fixed on his mate. “You wouldn’t even tell me where you took her. I would’ve felt so much better if I could be there.”

“I was handling it,” says Caleb but there’s a hint of a whine in his voice. “The hospital’s not a secure area. You were safer at home.”

“Caleb James Solveig,” Julian says in an enraged voice. “You don’t get to decide things for me.”

“Babe, please...”

I could never imagine the big, bad alpha having such a pathetic expression. He’s stronger than Raiden and Damon, but he’s weak before his mate.

I stare at them, feeling my heart pound at the intensity of their emotions.

“Come on, Iris,” Julian says, capturing my hand and leading me toward the kitchen.

A sliver of guilt snakes around my gut.

Caleb could’ve brought me home sooner if we didn’t make the trip to my house and then the ice cream parlor. I’m the reason Julian is so angry with him.

“How are you, really?” Julian asks when we’re inside the kitchen. His violet-hued eyes rake me from head to foot.

“I’m fine,” I say. “The doctor said I’ll be fine. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have discharged me.”

Julian seems to calm down at that.

I go to one of the cabinets and bring out bowls and spoons. Setting them on the table, I scoop out the ice creams.

“Come over here,” I say. “Just have a taste and tell me it isn’t good.”

An uncertain look comes over him but he obliges.

Coming to the table, he takes the spoon and scoops up some ice cream.

I watch him with bated breath as he takes a bite. “So?” I urge. “What do you think?”

“It’s so creamy,” he says with a loud moan. “There’s so much chocolate in it. Absolutely yum!”

“Right? I asked Caleb to take me to the shop on our way here,” I say. “He had a bite too and wanted to bring some over for you.”

A surprised look comes over him. “He did?”

“Yeah. He said you’d love it.”

“He should’ve told me,” Julian says, spooning more ice cream into his mouth. “I was so worried about you.”

“It’s not his fault,” I tell him. “He was there all alone. He must’ve been worried too.”

Caleb stands at the threshold, listening to our conversation. A small smile plays on his lips.

“He didn’t bring me home sooner because I asked him not to,” I say. “He was only trying to make me feel better. I’m the one who should apologize for making you worry.”

“You were sick,” he says in a grim tone. “I saw the feed. You were in so much pain you couldn’t stand up straight. What happened to you?”

“It’s a girl thing,” I say, pretending to look embarrassed. “Stupid lady problems.”

Julian doesn’t look convinced by my explanation. Caleb’s listening closely as well, probably hoping I’d open up to Julian.

“It’s fine now,” I say. “Promise. So? Will you stop being mad at Caleb?”

“I can’t decide yet,” Julian says but he seems to be in a much better mood now.
