Page 21 of Tanner

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Emily walked into her cabin and glanced around at her lodgings. It was small, but neat and trim, and she had a place for all her belongings that she’d brought with her. Of course, not much fit in a Volkswagen Bug.

Most of her stuff she’d sold before she slipped out of town, not telling anyone her destination. Needing to be away from all the sadness.

But now she was here in Texas and adjusting to her new life.

The last two days had been tense with starting a new job, Tanner wanting her fired, and the feeling of sadness that suddenly overcame her. That night had obviously meant nothing to him, and while she had known what she was doing, she still wanted the act of the two of them joining to have meant something.

Not hearts and flowers and forever after, but about new beginnings.

For her, it was a step toward a new life and putting the past behind her.

For him, it didn’t mean a damn thing, except that he wanted her gone from the ranch. And he’d lied. That was a hard one to understand, but then again, if he’d said Tanner Burnett, she would never have slept with him.

If only he’d been honest.

Slipping off her shoes, she slowly removed her chef’s coat and put it on the stack of dirty clothes.

Her first day off was next week, and by then, she would have to search out a laundry facility.

Going into the small bedroom, she sank down onto the bed and leaned back. Maybe a quick shower before she crawled under the sheets and maybe read one of John’s letters. No, she wasn’t doing that any longer.

Before, she would read his letters to try to stay close to him. But it was time to put all that away.

She’d read a book or watch the news. Anything to keep from thinking about John or even Tanner. Time to concentrate on finding a new dessert or even a new main dish. She’d peruse her cookbooks until she grew sleepy.

Jumping up, she went into the bathroom and hopped into the shower. Ten minutes later, she came out and crawled into the bed.

The smell of lavender filled the room and she wondered where it was coming from.

Suddenly, a shimmering old woman stood before her, wearing a dress from the late 1800s with a white apron covering the full skirt. She hadn’t seen a dress like that except in museums.

“Hello,” she said. “I hope I don’t frighten you.”

Speechless, Emily didn’t move. This job had sent her over the edge. The moving, Tanner, and dealing with everything had finally caught up with her. She’d gone crazy and was now seeing ghosts.

A tingle of fear spiraled up her spine. Why was she here?

“I’m Eugenia Burnett,” she said. “Yes, I’ve been dead for a long time, but I still worry about my family.”

Dear God, this was the woman who helped start this ranch. Was she real or was Emily crazy? Did she realize her family was doing very well?

“I’m worried about Tanner,” she said.

No, she couldn’t be here to talk about Tanner. Oh no. Not going to happen.

“Someone told me that your husband was in the military,” she said. “Is that true?”

No, she wasn’t talking to a ghost about her dead husband either.

“What do you want?” Emily asked bluntly. This was all so weird.

“I want my grandchildren to be happy. To find someone to love, get married, and have babies. This family must continue on.”

Now that was funny. How many single Burnett men had she met that first day? All of them good-looking, rich cowboys who wore tight jeans and western shirts with cowboy boots that cost more than her salary.

“There are enough Burnetts running the ranch that I don’t think you’re going to have a problem,” Emily said, thinking most of them probably had a girlfriend. Someone since they were so handsome. “I think you’ll soon be able to start your own country, there are so many of them.”
