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It seemed that his entire family, except Aunt Rose, seemed to think he was making a mistake by ending the relationship. His heart ached. It would be hard to get over Emily, but it was for the best. This way she wouldn’t get fired because he could not keep his hands off her.

This way they wouldn’t risk taking a chance and her getting pregnant. This way he wouldn’t ask her to marry him and endanger her.

Only, his heart was breaking into a thousand pieces. And once again, he had to contain his hurt and not let anyone know how all of this affected him. Once again, he had to go into his fox hole, wherever that would be, and hide.

“I’m sure she’s packing if you want to say good-bye, but it’s over.”

He turned to walk out of the kitchen and saw a tiny black camera on top of the cabinet.

“Damn, there it is,” he said.

Grabbing a stepladder they kept in the kitchen, he climbed up and yanked the thing out of the wall. His Aunt Rose and Uncle James would not be spying on the next cook. And every time he found a camera, he would be removing them. Spying on employees was not good practice and he was going to tell everyone there were cameras around the place.

After climbing down the ladder, he walked over to the trash can and tossed it in.

“Good riddance,” he said.

“I’m going to go tell Emily good-bye,” Desiree said. “And tell her that my cousin doesn’t realize what he’s doing. That he’s lost his mind.”

“Oh, I realize very well what I’m doing. I’m saving her from being stuck with a man who still fights battles. I’m saving our children from being ashamed of their father. I’m doing the right thing for everyone.”

And it hurts like hell.

Desiree turned and walked to the door. “And you’re the biggest idiot on the planet for letting the one person who could help you leave. Be alone. You deserve it. You’re making a huge mistake.”

With a slam of the kitchen door, she walked outside. Standing there, he glanced at the floor under the table, his resolve weakening. Maybe he was wrong.

Suddenly the speaker in the kitchen went off. “Travis and Tanner Burnett come to my office immediately.”

It was Aunt Rose, and he was not going. He’d been to her office once today, and if she wanted to speak to him, she could come find him. Obviously, she’d learned that Emily was leaving.

Wasn’t this what his Aunt Rose wanted? The two of them to be separated. Well, they were certainly split, and now, it would be miles between them, not just buildings.

No, he was doing the right thing, breaking up with Emily, but why did it feel so bad?
