Page 64 of Tanner

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Tears streamed down her cheeks as she drove up to the guard house, where the man stepped out in front of her bug. “Ma’am, Miss Rose Burnett asked that you please return to Tanner’s cabin. He’s having an attack.”

Staring at him, she wanted to say too bad. But couldn’t do that to the man she loved. No matter what happened between them, she had to help him.

“All right,” she said. “I’ll turn around.”

The man stepped out of her way and she steered the yellow bug around the guard shack and headed as fast as she dared to Tanner’s cabin.

Was he really having an episode or was this just a way to entice her to stay? Right now, she knew she could not stay here working at the ranch if they were not together. She didn’t need a proposal, but she needed to know this was just not some stunt to get her to stay.

She pulled the car to a halt in front of his cabin, turned it off and jumped out, leaving her purse, her keys everything ready to go.

Racing up the stairs, she entered the house and saw the others standing around watching in horror. The furniture was turned over and a lamp was smashed on the floor. Tanner crouched behind a side table, eyes wide with fright. His arms held his imagined gun at the ready, and he was shouting.

“Get down. James, to your left. Hit that son of a bitch,” he screamed.

Whirling around, he gazed at the wall, then dove backward, taking out the sofa table. “Incoming.”

Down on the ground, he crawled, and she moved in.

She sang to him and he cocked his head in her direction. Then slowly she ran her fingers down his cheeks and he turned to her touch. “Come back to me, Tanner. Come back to me, love.”

She sang a soft lullaby, and she knew the moment she reached him, his body sagged against her.

“It’s over. The war is over and you’re safe. Your men are safe. Stay with me.”

Leaning his head against her shoulder, he reached up and pulled her mouth to his. Like a starving man, his lips covered hers and he drank from her. From the place of safety.

It was like that day in the kitchen when passion had overcome them, but this time, she leaned back until their lips came apart.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes,” he whispered, staring at her. “Don’t leave me.”

Surprised, she leaned back and stared into his emerald gaze that was unwavering. “You wanted me to go. You told me I was a hookup that—”

“You are a one-night stand that I want to promise forever to. Stay by my side until death parts us,” he said, gripping her face with his hands. “I need you.”

“What about children? You’re afraid your PTSD won’t make you a good dad. I don’t believe that for one moment,” she said, gazing at him. “You’re afraid it won’t make you a good husband.”

With a sigh, he pulled her into his arm. “It’s not going to be easy. I’m a damaged man. But you know how to help me through these episodes. You know how to calm me. How to make me feel safe. I don’t want to be a failure. Our children deserve a good father and mother. I’ll do the best I can.”

Tears welled in Emily’s eyes. “And I’ll do the best I can to be a loving wife to you who helps you every time you have one of these episodes. Our children will also help you. They’ll grow up knowing what to do.”

Emily’s heart soared, but he had yet to say those words she needed to hear. The words she knew promised her forever. Waiting patiently, she clung to him. What if he didn’t say them?

“Emily, until you left, I didn’t know how much I needed you. How much I had fallen in love with you. Marry me?”

A grin spread across her face as she held onto him tightly. “Yes, I’ll marry you. I love you, Tanner. What we have is special. Don’t ever forget that.”

The people in the room clapped, and it was the first time Emily really noticed they were there. She’d noted people when she walked in but didn’t realize who all was there.

Aunt Rose, Travis, and his new fiancé Samantha stood watching them.

Samantha walked over. “What if we had a double wedding? Two of the Burnett brothers marrying at the same time. We could hold it outside here at the ranch. What do you think?”

Tanner glanced up and smiled. “If Emily is okay with the idea, I would love it.”
