Page 65 of Tanner

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“I love it,” Emily said, thinking it would be so different from her first wedding.

Aunt Rose stood back and shook her head. “What a great idea. Is Eugenia still here?”

The ghost floated into view. “Of course, I am. I’m so happy. Another Burnett boy is getting married. Two at the same time.”

“I hope this means I’m going to get to sleep tonight?” Aunt Rose said. “After all, we did bring them back together.”

“Ibrought them back together,” Eugenia said bluntly. “There was nowein this. Only me. Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have to do some reconnaissance work on my next grandson. Time to start working on number three. And don’t you even think of interfering.” She pointed a finger at Rose. “Toodles.”

The apparition shimmered as she disappeared.

“Grandson number three?” Travis said and then he started laughing. “That’s going to be a hard shell to crack. Tucker is married to his work.”

Tanner helped Emily to her feet, but he kept his arm around her and Emily was glad. She needed to feel a connection with him.

“If you people will excuse us, Emily and I are leaving for the weekend. We’re going back to the hotel where we met and we’re going to spend the weekend getting to know one another without all you people around.”

Aunt Rose’s eyes widened. “But what about the kitchen? I need a cook for tomorrow night.”

Emily was not about to argue with Tanner. She liked his idea.

“Barbecue,” Travis said. “We’ll serve them barbecue.”

“And I’ll help,” Samantha said.

Together, hand in hand, they ran out the door. Emily stopped to grab her purse and packed suitcase. Tanner had grabbed his bag. They hopped into his truck and Emily reached over and squeezed his hand as they pulled out of the ranch.

While she had not planned on finding love here in Texas, love had found her. And she was forever grateful.
