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It was impossible to say from this distance.

He had his hands in his pockets—a confident stance, rather than a casual one, and she wasn’t sure why she knew that, only that she did.

She should run.

She was a woman alone, in the rain, whose dress had become near pornographic with the way it stuck to her in this rain. And he was...a man. A Strange Man. Well, not inherently strange, but a stranger.

She didn’t run.

She had nowhere to run to.

So, she simply stood.

And then, he was the one who moved.

Graceful and silent, like a tiger stalking its prey.

As he moved closer, his features came into view. His hair was black, his skin golden brown. His face was sculpted with razor sharp cheekbones, a blade straight nose and a mouth that seemed dangerous.

His eyes were dark and mesmerizing, like the rest of him.

Yet again, she thought she ought to run. But didn’t.

She’d also been right about him being tall.

Which set off a further alarm bell. If she was right about him being tall, she was probably right about him being a predator.

But she still didn’t run.

You can’t outrun a tiger...

That was not a helpful thought.

She didn’t know what to do. If she should speak, or if she should run. She froze instead. And the tiger began to advance.

“Are you lost?” he asked.

His voice was like the sound a tiger made. All low, and felt in the deepest parts of you. She didn’t know whether she wanted to cower in fear or...draw closer to him.

“I’m not lost,” she said, her voice absorbed by the moss, plants and soft ground, the damp brick. She sounded small.

“Are you in trouble?”

“My friends left me.”

Oh, good. Tell the strange man you’re all alone.

“I already know there is no one else here.”

“And why are you here?” she asked, feeling bold in the moment. But only in the moment, because as soon as it passed she asked herself why on earth she was engaging the tiger man in speech.

“I went for a walk,” he said. “I live nearby.”

“ a suit? Were you at a funeral?” She’d meant it to sound caustic and it had come out more a question.

His head tipped up, as did the corner of his mouth. “Yes.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”
