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How horribly inconvenient that she was no longer a virgin and she couldn’t even remember having sex.

Of all the things to be upset about, that was perhaps a very silly one, but she did feel upset about it in the moment.

“What would you like to wear?”

One woman went over to a vast, ornate wardrobe and threw the doors open. And inside was the most delicious array of clothing Riot had ever seen.

Organized by the colors of the rainbow, deep jewel tones and pops of bright color dazzled her. It was like a dream. She didn’t like to admit it, but the fact of the matter was she was a magpie. She loved beautiful things. It was only that she had been able to own very few of them.

Her home back in Georgia was a small collection of curated things that she had saved up for, that she loved.

Because when she could buy something nice, she savored it. And now there was this entire room full of delicious things. All gifts, and there was something that made her feel breathless in that.

But then, for him, these gifts must come so easy. For her, everything beautiful had always represented hours of work. It had to have great value to her, because if it didn’t, why would she put in so much work in order to have it. Money that went out had been painstakingly saved.

And she couldn’t decide if it meant more or less that it had come from him.

Maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe you’re just trying to attach meaning to things because you can’t find an anchor.

Now that could be very well true.

She needed to get back to him. She needed to get back to Soriya.

“Mr. Valenti will want you ready in the next hour. That is when he eats dinner.”

“He eats dinner at the same time every night?”

One of the women nodded. “Yes. He does. He is a man of exacting schedule.”

That didn’t surprise her. He seemed... Exacting. And she was hungry for details about him. Because he was apparently a singular man in her life. A sea change in a suit. And she knew nothing about him.

There were things about him she could not quite...grasp. Her mind was desperately trying to fill in all of these blanks, but if she did not know that he was her fiancé she would’ve said that he... He did not seem like a man with a great well of emotion inside of him. There was something hard and dark about him. Something that felt quite dangerous. But that wasn’t the kind of person that she was drawn to. It never had been.

She had never quite understood the appeal of the bad boy. In theory, she had decided that she liked nice men.

Of course, she had never got around to dating one. Because any man who proclaimed to be nice never was. And as far as nice men went... That was all she had ever found.

And for some reason, she chose a dress that was the color of a peacock, all shimmery and rich, and then allowed herself to be led to the bathroom where she found a deep tub that they filled with warm, scented water. Flowers were scattered over the surface, and a silk robe left out for her. And then she was left to her own devices.

She sank slowly into the water, and sighed. One thing she did know was that it had been a very long time since she’d taken a bath.

She couldn’t believe that she was missing all of this time in her memory. It didn’t seem possible. That so much of life had just...evaporated. The part that she had forgotten, and the part that she had been asleep through.


No. She hadn’t been asleep. Obviously, she had been in an accident. But she didn’t even know the details about that.

She tried to push it to the back of her mind, slowly beginning to wash herself. But her mind went back to Krav.

And as she moved her fingertips over her own skin, it was far too easy to imagine that the hands were his.

An electric shock went through her body.

How could she be thinking about... That? How could that be the leading thing that she... Well, if what he’d said was true about their meeting, that had been their first connection. And while she couldn’t quite imagine it, maybe that was... Maybe that was the key.

She had met him, and apparently, she had been overcome by the chemistry between them. She could feel it even now.

Even with all of this... Even with so many bigger, grander things at stake... She was thinking about things that had never concerned her prior to meeting him.
