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Or rather, had been until recently. She was no longer bleeding, and she wasn’t sore in any way.

She had been told that meant she could return to...regular intercourse.

Something that seemed kind of hilarious to her because she couldn’t remember having intercourse of any kind.

It was the private jet that succeeded in stunning her. And she would have thought that Krav didn’t have any more surprises in store for her. She understood that he was rich. It was just that she was also beginning to understand that she didn’t understand what rich meant. In her tiny town in Georgia, she had associated it with people with large flashy cars, homes that were comically palatial, with all manner of space that sat there unnecessary, simply creating more volume as if it was entirely for the purpose of shouting,I could stuff all my extra cash in this space if I wanted to.

That was not rich. Not in the way Krav was.

There was wealth, she was beginning to realize, that was not shouted about on the streets. Rather, it was factual. A part of the way that he moved.

Every nook and cranny of the ornate estate that he lived in spoke of this wealth. The way that he could command the entirety of a boutique, yet did not call attention to himself.

In fact, he seemed the sort of man who would be happy to have no attention on him ever. But his bearing didn’t allow it.

Everyone stared at him. Whatever room he was in, whatever street he walked down, she had observed that people couldn’t take their eyes off of him.

And neither could she.

The attraction between them...

He had not touched her. He had been solicitous to the point that she wondered if he still felt attraction for her.

But she felt it. Felt that slow burn inside of her, so utterly foreign.

She tried to imagine herself as the kind of sex kitten who would’ve gone back to his place minutes after meeting him.

It was difficult to do.

Almost impossible.

She had never wanted a man before him.

She did want him though. So that was consistent.

Even amidst all the confusion. All the...everything. She wanted him. She felt a deep curiosity about what it would be like to be touched by him. And an anger at the woman that she had been in that time before her accident, that woman who had kissed him. Touched him.

She was jealous of herself.

That thought made her laugh.

“What?” Krav asked.

“I just...nothing,” she said, looking down. “It’s silly.”

She turned her focus to the beautifully appointed jet.

It had several rooms, and Soriya had been taken back to the nursery by the nannies. She didn’t love the involvement of the nannies, but Krav was very concerned about her sleep. Especially given all that her body had been through.

She appreciated it. But that was another thing she was jealous of. The world had had an entire month with Soriya that she hadn’t. Krav had had that entire month. She...she had been sleeping. Sleeping through the birth of her child.

“I was actually just thinking that I am a bit jealous of myself,” she said.

“In what sense?”

“It’s almost like I’m the other woman,” she said, feeling he touched her face. “I mean, because I’ve... I’ve been with you. But I don’t remember. So it feels it was an entirely different person. Not me.”

“And you are jealous of yourself?”
