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Abe took some photos on her phone.

‘This is like a dream come true.’ Naomi was beside herself. There were squirrels coming from everywhere.

She looked like Snow White, Abe thought, but of course didn’t say so. ‘Was I right?’ Abe checked. ‘Or was I right?’

‘You were right, Abe,’ Naomi teased. ‘Squirrels don’t hibernate and I apologise for ever doubting you.’ And she took them back to their conversation and neither could believe it had been just this morning, because after a day spent together it felt like a long time ago.

‘You missed that one,’ Abe said, pointing out a little black little squirrel who held back from the others.

‘He won’t come...’ Naomi said, because she’d already noticed the little creature, who shook and startled but clearly wanted to join in. Finally, with coaxing, he came over and had his share of the little packet of nuts.

‘Do you want to get some more?’ Abe offered.

‘Another time,’ Naomi said. ‘I can’t feel my feet.’

It was growing dark and it was utterly freezing so some real food and serious warming up was called for. ‘Do you want to go for a drink?’ he offered as he handed her back her phone and they walked towards the park’s exit. ‘Or perhaps an early dinner? We could go over to the Plaza?’

He nodded in the direction of the gorgeous building and it was an invitation she could scarcely comprehend.

‘I’m hardly dressed for the Plaza,’ Naomi pointed out. Her coat might be gorgeous but beneath that she wore jeans and the bottoms of them were drenched.

‘It doesn’t matter.’

And it wouldn’t matter, Naomi knew.

She could be dressed in sackcloth and ashes and they would make the exception for him. But it mattered to Naomi—she knew she must look a fright. It was better to leave things here, Naomi decided, to simply end their perfect day. And she had the perfect excuse too... ‘I promised Merida I’d be in to visit this evening.’

Perhaps it was for the best, Abe thought.

He too was supposed to be at the hospital.

In the space of a day he’d gone from wearing a hat so he wasn’t recognised to offering to step out together in the Plaza.

It could only cause trouble.

Onsomany levels.

‘I’m going to go back to the house and get changed,’ Naomi said, ‘and then head to the hospital.’

‘Well, I’ll call my driver.’ Abe took out his phone and did just that. ‘I’ll head to the hospital now and drop you home on the way.’

‘Sounds good,’ Naomi agreed. ‘Abe, thank you for the most wonderful day. I wouldn’t have seen half as much if you hadn’t been with me.’ Though it was more than the sights she had seen that had made it so special. ‘It’s been amazing,’ she said.

‘It has,’ he agreed.

‘How’s your Middle East headache now?’ she asked.

‘Gone!’ he said. ‘Though probably not for long. I bet Ethan’s found out.’

‘Found out what?’

He smiled at her persistence. ‘Khalid and Ethan are friends. They went to college together. I warned Ethan not to mix business and friendship.’

‘It can work.’

‘Not in my book.’ He shook his head. ‘Khalid has helped pave our way into expanding into the Middle East, I admit that, but it’s a business agreement and one he’ll benefit from enormously. I refuse to be beholden to him. He’s got feet in both camps.’

‘I don’t understand.’
