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So rather than wishing for the impossible, and one night in his arms, she went and bought a hot dog instead.

For once, it didn’t help.

‘There you are.’ Barb smiled when Naomi returned. ‘I was just saying to Merida I thought you might be doing the harbour cruise.’

‘No, I just went for a walk,’ Naomi said, and looked at Barb’s face for signs she’d been crying, or any sign really thatthe conversationhad taken place, but she looked, well, just like Barb. ‘Is everything okay?’

‘Everything’s fine,’ Barb said. ‘We had such a lovely night.’

Naomi headed up the stairs and met Merida coming down them.

‘Where’s Ava?’ Naomi asked.

‘Asleep.’ She was carrying a bag from the hotel, which she handed to Naomi once they were in her little living room.

‘What’s this?’

‘A robe from the hotel’s gift shop.’

It was gorgeous, the fabric was very thick and soft, and it was so heavy that for a second Naomi’s mind flitted to her luggage, but then she reminded herself that she didn’t have to think like that now.

She might need excess luggage this time, but she would soon have a home. Things might not have worked out between herself and Abe, but she hoped that she would get to tell him just how much he had helped her last night.

‘How wasNight Forest?’ Merida asked, oh, so casually.


‘And Sabine?’

‘Terrible,’ Naomi said dutifully, and they both laughed. ‘No, she was amazing, but I just know that you would have been too. How was Ava?’

‘She was cranky,’ Merida admitted. ‘But we got there. Khalid came up to the suite for a drink before dinner and met her, and she was perfectly behaved then.’

‘Was it tense?’

‘Not at all! Can you believe that Abe backed down?’


Merida nodded. ‘He didn’t even come to dinner. He told Ethan that right now he’s got more to worry about than placating a sheikh...’ She let out a hoot of laughter. ‘I gather that Candice finally saw sense and dumped him. Good for her.’

Naomi wondered what Merida’s reaction would be if walls could speak!

‘So it’s all sorted?’ Naomi checked. ‘The Middle East stuff?’

Merida nodded. ‘It seems to be. Khalid’s even staying on for the Devereux ball. Mind you, as nice as it was to have a night away, it made me realise I don’t want to go. I am not black-tie-ball ready. Either physical or mentally. It’s really catty, apparently, and anyway it’s your birthday. I’m not leaving you on your own. We can have cocktails and watch the red carpet on live-stream—’

‘Merida,’ Naomi interrupted, ‘you know I don’t like a fuss on my birthday. Don’t make excuses, it’s fine not to want to leave Ava. She’ll only be three weeks old.’

‘That’s just it. And it’s not just the night, it’s getting ready and all that it entails. I just want to stay home with my baby. I hope that Jobe understands.’

So too did Abe.

He left the office at lunchtime and a short while later walked into his father’s hospital suite and saw him resting back on his pillows and looking out of the window to the reservoir. Abe wondered what his father was thinking and he just stood there for a moment, taking it in—the precious time left where he still had a father he could turn to.

If only he would allow himself.

‘Jobe...’ Abe watched as his father snapped out of his trance and then turned and gave him a tired smile. ‘Do you think you might be able to stick around for a while longer?’
