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‘After the day you’ve had, I thought you might like a night of being spoiled.’

‘I can’t be seen in the restaurant with a guest.’ Antonietta shook her head, but as one hand went to close the door her other hand resisted and held it part-way open—a kind of push-pull within her as she offered more reasons to say no. ‘And I don’t want to be seen in the village...’

‘So we go further afield,’ he said easily. ‘My driver is waiting, if a night out appeals...?’

Ifa night out appeals?

Her mouth gaped at his choice of words. It more than appealed; pure temptation had come knocking at her door in the delectable shape of Rafe. And yet, as irresistible as his offer was, here came the voice of reason.

He’s bored, the voice told her.You are a mere diversion.

And the voice became more insistent, rather unkindly pointing out that she was way too inexperienced to handle such prowess and likely it was not just her company he sought.

‘I’m not allowed to date guests.’

‘Who said anything about a date?’

Those eyes did, Antonietta wanted to respond. They made her feel warm, and important, and deliciously sought after.

He played it down. ‘It is dinner at a restaurant. I could use some company, that is all.’ He looked at her. ‘And so could you. It is my last night in Sicily. It seems a shame to leave without seeing some of it.’

Her heart sank at the news.

She had been told from the very start, even before they had met, when he had been simply Signor Dupont to her, that he undoubtedly would not last until Christmas Eve and would soon leave. Yet he wasRafenow, the man who brightened her day, and soon he would be gone.

Was that why she was considering his offer?


‘I shall leave that to my driver. We have to try not to be seen, but it shouldn’t be a problem...’

Antonietta frowned. Why would he worry about being seen out? She could think of only one thing.

‘You don’t have a wife?’ she hurriedly checked. ‘I know it’s not a date, but...’ Her voice trailed off.

‘Antonietta, I don’t have a wife, or a girlfriend. It’s my parents who want me to lie low.’

His response gave her some relief, but also confused her. Rafe certainly didn’tlooklike a man who worried about what his parents thought.

‘Will you join me?’ he asked.

A night of reheated pizza, ruminating over her parents’ actions that morning and regretting her decision not to join this beautifully dizzying man for dinner? Such a night would be spent loathing her decision and her absolute inability to throw caution to the wind.

In fact, it might even become a lifetime of regret.

‘Yes,’ Antonietta said. ‘I would love to join you.’

What were you supposed to wear when the sexiest man alive had arrived on your doorstep with a driver, and was waiting to whisk you to dinner?

Antonietta had but one possibility.

And, just as she had reluctantly handed the fabric over to Aurora, she now almost reluctantly slid the dress on.

Because it changed her.

Aurora was a brilliant seamstress. The silk had been cut on the bias, so the dress was as fluid as water and skimmed her body, enhancing the subtle curves The only issue she had was that it was so strappy it showed her bra, and Antonietta did not possess a strapless one.

Thankfully she was small-breasted, and Aurora had lined the top of the dress, but it still felt a little sinful to head out without one.
