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Dinner was served, and somehow it was an intimate affair, and she gasped whenravioli capresearrived.

‘How did the chef know?’

‘I told him,’ Rafe said. ‘Though we might have to wait a little while for the chocolate torte.’

‘I don’t mind waiting,’ Antonietta said. Then asked, ‘Do you come here a lot?’

‘Not often,’ Rafe said. ‘My father uses it as a retreat, but I tend to give it a miss and stay out on my yacht.’ He saw her slight frown. ‘Growing up, I would come here sometimes in summer.’

‘With your family?’

‘No. My mother felt holidays were pointless. I came here with the nanny, and later I would bring friends.’ He gave a wry smile. ‘Vetted, of course.’

‘But I am not vetted.’

‘You have been by me,’ Rafe said. ‘And I like everything I see.’

‘You have my discretion.’

‘I know that.’ And for the first time in his life he really did.

‘This has been the perfect day.’

‘An unplanned day,’ Rafe admitted. ‘I was going to take you to my yacht, but then you said you wanted to see the Christmas lights and eatstruffoli...’

‘You were taking me to youryacht?’ Antonietta checked. ‘For what? Sex?’

‘And fine dining.’ Rafe smiled. ‘Thankfully, I realised just in time that you wanted a day trip.’

And now he had been so honest, she could be honest too. ‘I just wanted a day with you, Rafe.’

Well, she’d got it. Rafe had given her a perfect day. And yet the moon moved too fast behind the clouds, and their time together was slipping away.

Dessert was served, and it was delicious—especially when fed to her from his silver spoon.

The second Rafe dismissed the staff she slipped from her side of the table to his knee and they tasted each other again.

She wanted his bed. His velvet bed. She wanted to lie there tonight and to wake with him tomorrow and for their time together to never end.

‘We should head back,’ Rafe told her. ‘If youhaveto be at work.’

She heard the unsubtle emphasis.

‘I do,’ Antonietta said. ‘I can’t let them down...’

Rafe would be gone soon, and right now work was the only constant she had.

‘I have to get back.’

‘I know that.’

‘But not yet...’

Not before he took her to his velvet bed.
