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‘Cake,’ Antonietta said. ‘And lots of it. And decorations. And a feast shared with the people I care about and who care about me.’

‘Who?’ Francesca asked.

‘You!’ Antonietta smiled. ‘And anyone else who isn’t getting the Christmas they hoped for. Of course it would only take place after all the guests have been taken care of...’

‘I have loathed Christmas ever since my divorce,’ Francesca admitted—and then perked up. ‘We could use the grand dining room,’ Francesca said. ‘Tony would cook, I’m sure of it, and Pino...’ She gave a pained sigh. ‘I have been so worried about him spending Christmas alone.’

‘And me,’ Antonietta admitted.

‘I was going to invite him over for dinner,’ Francesca admitted, ‘but you know how the villagers talk...’

‘Believe me, I know,’ Antonietta said. ‘But of course you are just being...’ She was about to say that of course Francesca was just being friendly, but her voice trailed off as her manager went a little bit pink.

Francesca and Pino?

But Pino was grieving Rosa so deeply he would never look at Francesca in that way, Antonietta was sure.

Oh, love was so difficult and cruel—but, given that she couldn’t fix her own love-life, she certainly couldn’t help anyone else with theirs, so she got back to organising the party.

‘We would need Nico’s permission.’

‘He will never give it.’ Francesca shook her head. ‘He is like the Grinch. He didn’t even want a Christmas tree in the foyer.’

‘It’s his first Christmas with Aurora and his first as a father...’

‘Do you think Aurora could persuade him?’

‘Oh, yes.’ Antonietta smiled.

‘Then on this occasion,’ Francesca said, ‘I have no problem with you going over my head.’

Antonietta called Aurora. And since Aurora thought it a brilliant idea she said she would be delighted to ‘work on Nico’.

‘Ha-ha!’ Aurora added.

Antonietta would have frowned at that just a few short weeks ago. She had been utterly clueless back then.

‘Enjoy!’ Antonietta said instead, and then communicated her response back to Francesca.

‘We have the go-ahead? Nico approves?’ Francesca checked.

‘Aurora is working on him.’

‘Lucky Aurora!’

Soon they had gathered all the staff who would be working on Christmas Day.

‘Do we get paid for staying on?’ Chi-Chi asked.

‘It’s a party,’ Francesca said. ‘Of course not.’

‘Then you can count me out,’ Chi-Chi said, and left.

‘Well, I think it’s a great idea,’ Pino said. ‘I’ve been dreading Christmas. I know I said I didn’t mind that my daughter is with her husband’s family, but really...’

As it turned out, he wasn’t the only one who felt lonely at this time of year.

Vera, who worked in the laundry, and could have had the day off but had chosen to work, was another who admitted she struggled. ‘I can make a lasagne,’ she said.
