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Get over yourself, Antonietta, she warned herself.

He probably had a collection of sapphires. And all the women he took to the Blue Grotto and made love to were probably gifted one.

There was probably a Blue Grotto Sapphire club, Antonietta decided bitterly.

‘Time for me to go,’ Chi-Chi declared at five minutes to three. ‘Buon Natale, Antonietta.’

‘Buon Natale, Chi-Chi.’

Butwasit a happy Christmas?

Antonietta brushed her hair and applied Aurora’s red lipstick, which clashed a little with her Persian orange dress.

She had managed to get a replacement lipstick for her friend, and had baked gifts for everyone else. Well, everyone except Pino.

Antonietta collected her gifts from her locker and arrived only a little late to the party she had herself organised. And suddenly it really was aBuon Natale.

There was a canopy of lights that stretched across the ballroom, and in the corner stood a huge tree dressed in ropes of lights. It reminded her so much of her magical time in Capri that for a moment tears filled her eyes.

‘Who did this?’ she asked.

Francesca didn’t even have to answer her, for a moment later there were footsteps, and Antonietta turned to the sight of Nico carrying little Gabe, with Aurora by his side.

‘You’re here!’ Antonietta beamed. ‘And you’ve been so busy!’ she exclaimed. ‘The ballroom looks beautiful.’

‘Doesn’t it?’ Aurora said as she hugged her. ‘And of course I’m here. To tell the truth, my family were driving me crazy. It is wonderful to escape!’

‘There is no escape...’ Nico sighed. ‘And we have to head back by five for an announcement.’

‘Announcement?’ Antonietta frowned.

‘Don’t pretend you don’t know,’ Aurora said, and then blinked. ‘My brother is getting engaged.’


‘To Chi-Chi!’ Aurora groaned.


‘Yes,’ Nico groaned. ‘How the hell do I fire her now! Antonietta, you cannot leave Silibri. I swear the two of them will move into the cottage and we’ll never get them out.’

For the first time since Rafe had left, Antonietta found that she was properly laughing. ‘Every pot has its lid!’ she said.

‘And that lid is going to be my sister-in-law!’ Aurora sighed, but then brightened when she saw Vincenzo arriving, weighed down with presents. ‘I thought you were off!’

‘I am,’ Vincenzo said. ‘But since when did I ever miss a party?’

Antonietta frowned, a little surprised that Vincenzo wasn’t in Florence. But then Tony walked in, carrying silver trays laden with seafood and all kinds of delicacies, smiling proudly. He almost overbalanced when he saw that Vincenzo had arrived.

She turned and looked as a flush crept up Vincenzo’s cheeks when Tony smiled at him.Oh, my!No wonder Vincenzo was putting on weight. Imagine if Tony was trying to constantly feed you!

‘Is Tony the reason you aren’t home for Christmas?’ Antonietta asked with a smile.

‘Iamhome for Christmas,’ Vincenzo said. ‘Here is home. It just took me a little while to work that out. My family have refused to accept Tony and me. So it is time to start our own traditions...’

‘Good for you,’ Antonietta said.

The table was groaning with the most delicious food. Christmas Eve was the Feast of the Seven Fishes, and there was lobster,scungilli... And as they sat and laughed it was impossible not be happy.
