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He loved his children. He delighted in them.

But most of all, he loved his wife.

“Are you lonely?” she asked on their wedding anniversary, some twenty years into their beautiful future.

“Never,” he replied at once, holding her in his arms in that very same Parisian hideaway where he’d first put his ring on her finger.

“That’s a good thing,” she replied, turning in his arms and wrapping herself around him with the same bright, hot passion that only grew between them. “But even if you were, I know the cure.”

Because she healed him, the way she always did. And over time, he found ways to return the favor. Mostly by loving her so much and so hard that she never again doubted he always would.

“This is our fairy tale,” he told her. “We make the rules, little hen.”

“Fairy tales end happily,” she liked to tell him as he swept her into his arms. “That’s the most important part.”

Zeus had to say he agreed.

And that was how a common, possibly scandalous orphan—from nowhere with nothing—married the wickedest, most notorious prince in all the land.

Then tamed him. Just like that.
