Page 75 of Dominion (Dominion)

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"Technically," Ed says. "But Michel will have to find a willingAncient."

"The witness is in the main office," Terri says and makes a face. "He's pretty crazy. I don't think you'll get much useful information out of him. Oh, and I advise you to stay back," she says and plugs hernose.

Ed nods. "You get what you get. The guy left witnesses," Ed says to me as he opens the door to the main office. "He wasn't very clean in his kill. Guess he's not so smart after all. This is his first slip-up and so we may be close to findinghim."

* * *

The old manhas an air of madness about him. It shows in his wide rheumy eyes, and the filthy hair that hangs in long mats from his head. His smell is so intense that Ed refuses to interview him in one of the small interrogation rooms. Instead, he sits in the middle of the office, alone on a chair, as far away from anyone in particular aspossible.

A light rain has fallen all night long and the man is soaked to his skin. As he sits and waits for Ed's questions, water puddles beneath his chair. In the warmth of the room, steam rises off his worn clothing as if the man is burning up like the ember of hiscigarette.

Police found him crouched against the wall that circled the cathedral just a few dozen feet from where the murder took place. He'd run to the cathedral priory and reported the murder and then slipped away in the confusion. Now, while Ed tells him who I am, I fear that his testimony will be like Terri said.Useless.

I cross the room to the window and open one pane to let in some fresh air. The streets are deserted, as they should be at this time of night. Only the incessant drip of rain breaks thesilence.

I turn at the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor and watch as Ed perches on it across from thewitness.

"Tell me, Antonio, what did yousee?"

"I see them everyday," he says with a thick Italian accent. "The priests. I know them well, each by face and name. I knew this one, Julien de Cernay. When he came close and gave me a coin, I knew it was him. I saw his aura." Antonio's voice comes to me as if we're under water – muted, dull. He sits back as if satisfied that he's delivered the most important part of hismessage.

"His aura?" My voice is distant and my throat feelschoked.

"Vampyr. They exist in two planes, one of spirit and one of flesh. I see theirspirit."

I sit at the desk against the wall and flip open the case file while Ed questions Antonio about his place of residence. Ed's hand-written notes are barely legible, but they confirm what I already know and provide more information on Michel'sbrother.

Julien de Cernay, age thirty-five when he was turned in 1224. Lives at the monastery outside of Boston although he owns property in the city along the waterfront. He assists a priest in the Diocese with services on occasion. Why is he out so late dressed in full clerics? It seems as if the brothers have switched roles, with Michel acting as the warrior and Julien as thepriest.

"Did he say anything toyou?"

"No." Antonio shrugs as if he wishes he had more to offer. "He merely dropped a few coins in my hand and mumbled a blessing. He seemed in haste to get to his destination. I watched him walk through trees towards the main buildings and then disappear around a corner. I thought it odd for him to be out so late at night. Something was up," he says and nods as if in agreement with his own assessment. "I arrived at the edge of the cathedral gardens but it was dark and I could see very little. After a few moments, I saw him, or rather, them. Julien and another taller man. I couldn't tell who had joined him, but when Julien knelt before the man, I moved closer, careful to remain silent. Who knew what they weredoing?"

I frown. He only claimed that he saw the body. What's hedoing?

"Wait a minute," Ed said. "You didn't say you saw the murder. You said you found thebody."

"I was upset," Antonio said, waving Ed's protest away with a flick of his hand. "I have just only nowremembered."

"Only now?" Ed turns to me and rolls hiseyes.

"Yes. The fright must have clouded my memory. But I remember now. They appeared to be praying. The larger man was also dressed in clerics and had pale skin and fair hair. He laid a hand on Julien's head as if offering a blessing. Another priest killed him." Antonio saysplainly.

A knock at the door tears my attention away from Antonio. A tech pops his head inside and looks atEd.

"Someone in Arlington wants to speak toyou."

Ed rises and glances atme.

"I'll be right back." He turns to Antonio and points. "You – keep quiet until Ireturn."

A sense of dread fills me that I can't explain. I do not want to be alone with the witness. When Ed leaves the room and closes the door, that familiar feeling of time standing still washes over me and I brace myself. The air feels as if it's been sucked out of my lungs. Yet, Antonio speaks, as if he's in the same time frame as I am. His voice is soft,conspiratorial.

"I waited to reveal what I saw to someone who mattered. I knew as soon as I saw you that I could trustyou."


