Page 70 of Asher

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“Fuck,” I muttered. “Condom.”

“I’m on the pill.” She cupped my cheeks, and I damn near fell into those brown eyes. “Now fuck me.”

I lifted her, bracing her back against the wall, and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I guided my cock to her entrance and nearly lost it at how fucking hot she felt against the tip. “Are you sure?”

She lowered herself, taking me in those first couple of inches.

I drove in the rest of the way with one hard thrust.

“So hot. So fucking wet. So mine.” I punctuated each claim with a thrust, fucking her into the wall of the elevator.

“Yours,” she moaned, throwing her head back as my hips pistoned against hers.

“Ten!” We heard the crowd through the elevator doors.

I took her harder, driving into her with measured strokes as my heart pounded furiously. I’d never taken anyone bare before, never trusted anyone enough, but Daisy? I wanted everything with her, and if she got pregnant because we’d had a reckless moment? So be it. I’d have a ring on her finger before the test could even turn positive.

“Nine! Eight!”

“You’re so fucking perfect.” I kissed her throat.


“Give me your mouth, love,” I ordered.

She did, and I kissed her deep and hard, fucking my tongue into her mouth with the same rhythm as my cock as I drove us toward completion.


Her legs started to shake, and her breaths became choppy and shallow.



Each second was another thrust, another glimpse of heaven.


“I need you to come for me, love.” I slid a hand between us and pressed down on her swollen clit.


“Asher!” she moaned as she came, and I kissed her quickly, swallowing the cry as the walls of her pussy gripped me tight, pulling me right over that edge with her.


Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through me as I emptied into her, our tongues twined. We breathed the same air, shared the same body, and it was perfect.

“Happy New Year!” the crowd yelled, and the band played Auld Lang Syne.

And I kissed Daisy the whole damned time. My chest swelled with the kind of love I knew wouldn’t strike twice. The kind that demanded I recognize just how precious it was and hold on tight.

“Happy New Year, Asher,” she said with a smile against my lips.

“Happy New Year, love.” I kissed her again, then leaned over and hit the button to restart the elevator. We began to rise again. “See? We stayed at the party until midnight.”

Her laughter was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard.



“I just sent it to you,” I said into the phone, my mind feeling like it’d been run through the garbage disposal. I’d been up writing since three a.m. in order to finish my first draft and get it to my editor on time.

“It’s about time,” Stephanie, my editor, teased. I heard her clicking on her laptop. “Ah! There it is. I’m going to dive in now. You should take the rest of the day off. Get some sleep.”

“That’s exactly what I intend—” I glanced at the clock and yelped. “Shit!”

“What is it?”

“I missed a meeting. I have to go!” I quickly hung up the phone and slipped into the closest outfit I had—a pair of yoga pants and a thin white T-shirt—and raced toward my door.

“Shit, shit, shit!” I cursed the entire drive over to Reaper Arena, guilt slicking my insides as I navigated the busy streets. I’d seen Asher’s missed calls on my phone when I’d called my editor, but I’d thought he was just checking on me.

Instead, he’d been calling to remind me about an important meeting he’d begged me to attend, and thanks to my intense deadline and the zone I’d fallen into, I’d totally, completely forgot.

I was such an asshole.

But then again, Asher was the business expert, he certainly didn’t need me to broker a deal or have a meeting go successfully. Maybe he’d wanted me at this one just for a learning experience. Still not an excuse for me missing it, but maybe I hadn’t screwed things up so royally.

Since he hadn’t answered any of the calls I’d tried to make on the way over, I was highly doubting that.

I rushed into the arena and punched the elevator button to take me up to his office. His secretary gave me a super-judgy look—likely because of my way-too-casual for business outfit, not to mention my messy topknot or the fact that I’d been up for eight hours writing and so I had no idea what my face looked like either. I ignored her and hurried into his office, my breath coming in quickened waves as I shut the door behind me.

Asher sat behind his desk, the phone to his ear. He immediately jerked a finger upward, signaling me to wait, and it stopped me in my tracks.

Shit. He was pissed.
