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She says absently, “Yes you are,” as she turns her attention back to the envelope. “Will you open it for me, Daddy?”

“I can open it for you. What would you have done if you took the mail out of your mailbox before I got here?”

She giggles. “I would have waited for you.”

I smile and take the envelope. I open it quickly while she watches, and I open the letter. I hand it to her and say, “You’re going to want to read that, little worrier.”

She snatches it from me. “Really? Really?” She scans it and her jaw drops. “Daddy! Daddy!” she shouts. She throws her arms around me, and the letter drops to the floor as she starts crying. I can’t tell if these are tears of relief or tears of happiness or just tears. I hold her and let her cry. I tell myself I’m just being human for growing aroused by her naked closeness.

When she’s finally quiet, I gently push her back a bit so I can give her a gentle kiss. “Good news, I hope?”

She nods and I say, “Congratulations, little girl!”

She cheers and throws her arms around me again. I hold her for a long time, and when she pulls away, she says, “I’m so happy, Daddy.”

“Me too,” I say. “And I’m so proud of you.”

She smiles and I say, “Would you like to go out to celebrate?”

She shakes her head. “Can we stay in tonight, Daddy? I just want to sit with you.”

“Celebrate with pizza?”

She giggles and says, “One plate or two?”

I find my phone and order the pizza. When I finish the call, she has the letter in her hand. “I only have a week to prepare for my audition, Daddy.”

“You’ve been preparing your audition for months, little girl.”

She smiles. “Okay.”

“Are you going to take some of your vacation time to prepare?”

“I don’t know, Daddy, but can we not talk about anything until tomorrow? I don’t want to think about dancing. I just want… I just want to be your little girl right now.”

I smile and lift her up. I land a swat on her ass and say, “Young lady, you march right to your bedroom and get some pajamas on.”

She yelps from the spank and then giggles. “I’m in my bedroom, Daddy. This is a studio apartment.”

“Will you just do as you’re told?” I scold. “Go put some pajamas on.”

She giggles again and flounces to her drawers, quickly selecting a pair of fluffy pink bunny pajamas. She returns to the couch and kisses me, and we settle in to watch a cartoon together.

The pizza arrives and Cady enjoys two slices of pepperoni. We talk throughout the movie, and I can tell she’s very nervous. I resist the urge to ask her to talk about it. Tonight is a celebration night, even if we’re not officially celebrating.

So, I fill the time with small talk.

“Have I ever told you about my friend Justin?” I ask.

“The biker?”

I chuckle. “Yes, but don’t call him that to his face. He prefers to think of himself as a motorcycle enthusiast.”

“Don’t they all?” she asks.

I laugh again. “Maybe, but he for sure is not a typical biker. I mean, other than being obsessed with motorcycles almost to the point of addiction.”

“I see,” she says. “Why do you bring him up?”
