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I turn my gaze to his and find him watching me intently. I could be bold and change here in front of him but that would likely be me pushing my luck. Especially since I’m so attracted to him, it would blur the lines I’m trying to set and I don’t want to lead him on. So, I grab some clothes and look for a bathroom to change in. When I don’t see one I know I’m going to have to ask where I can change.

“Is there a bathroom or somewhere I can put these clothes on, or is themasterof the house going to demand his little whore undresses in front of him?” I snark, knowing I’m being a bitch but, hey, it’s my go to defense mechanism. I’m struggling to define a line between right and wrong in a place that is clearly wrong. It was clearly the wrong choice because he covers the distance between us in an instant and is all up in my face. Any normal girl would be terrified of this hulking man beast all up in their shit with his scowl aimed directly at them. Good thing I sure as shit ain’t normal.

Boxing me in against the lockers, he brings his arms up and places his hands on either side of me and brings his mouth close to my ear. He’s practically nuzzling my neck before he speaks.

“Quinn, there are very few rules I will ever have between us when we are alone but hear me when I tell you this because I’ll only say it this one... Fucking... Time. You will not demean our relationship or disrespect what I feel for you. I am fully aware that you are upset and confused right now and I’m willing to give you time and be patient with you while we navigate through this together. If you are angry take it out on me in this room or in our bed. If you need to speak your mind, you tell me whatever it is you need to say, but do not, and I mean this, do fucking not make a mockery of who you are to me. This is not a joke. You are my life and will at some point be my wife. Honor that.” He commands, his naturally quiet, rough voice somehow feels booming and powerful against my skin. It reverberates through the empty cavity in my chest. His entire being is one of power and demands a level of respect I’ve only seen in a few other men.

With that he takes a small nip at my ear, then shifts to grab his own work out clothing from a shelf and turns away from me to change, leaving me in awe and simultaneously giving me the privacy I was looking for. I keep my eye on him to make sure he doesn’t peek at me but in the back of my mind I somehow know he won’t. This guy genuinely respects me. I know he’s seen all of me since he obviously was the one to take care of me after he fucking drugged me and I was unconscious, but there’s something about how respectful he is about my need for privacy and personal space that both infuriates me and makes my heart swell at his thoughtfulness. My righteous indignation over my mistreatment to get me here is still simmering in the pot of my emotions and I’ll let that out when we hit the mats.

When Ren finally turns around my teenage hormone fueled brain gets the better of me for a moment and I damn near have to pick my jaw up off the floor. The dude is stacked. Muscles on muscles and so many of them are covered in remarkable artwork. His tattoo artist is a good one. He’s wearing basketball shorts and a cut off tank that has arm holes so massive, he’s basically not wearing a shirt. I can see that he has his nipples pierced and immediately my brain conjures up images of other areas he may have pierced as well.

“You wanna fight or stare at my dick all day?” Grinning like the cat who got the freaking canary, he walks back to me and places his hands back on my hips - a place he seems to really love. It’s enough to snap me out of the daydream I found myself in. I hadn’t realized that I was actually staring at the star of my short lived fantasy.

What the fuck iswrongwith me? Teenage hormones suck balls. You’d think I’d have learned this with my guys, but it’s like I’m making up for lost time or some shit and I’m living in a constant state of horny bitch. Didn’t want to date when everyone else around me started because fuck guys. Except now I wantfourof them for keeps? Nah, my shit’s all messed up. I need a shrink. I thought I was crazy for wanting three dudes at once. Ugh, I’m a hot mess.

“Shut up!” I shove him away and move to the mats to try and hide the flush on my cheeks. Whether it’s from being turned on or embarrassment at being caught, maybe both, I’m not sure, but my face feels really hot. Embarrassment isn’t really my style so I throw a little sass at him to gain my sense of self back a little.

“You gonna fight me or nah? I’d understand if you were afraid of me. Most men can’t handle what I’ve got.” I smirk, while taping up my hands, not bothering to look at him.

He walks over to me and tips my chin up so my eyes meet his own, they sparkle with mischief as he bends down and grazes his lips across my own.

“I can handle you, mi amore, don’t you worry about that.” He says, just before his nips at my lips playfully and then turns to tape up his own hands.

What is this universe that I’ve found myself in? Nothing makes sense here, including my own reaction to this fascinating boy. If any other random ass guy tried that, they’d already have had their asses handed to them - or be dead. Is it a fetish thing? Am I attracted to men of power? Am I attracted to killers? I think I need to see that shrink before I make any other life altering decisions. For now, I’m going to box this giant man beast and work all of my hormonal horniness out of my system and regain some god damn clarity.

I start stretching and shaking out my arms and bouncing on the balls of my feet. I’ve kept up with some basic floor workouts but that’s nothing compared to what I can do in this gym. Moving over to a speed bag I start hitting it slow, developing my rhythm before picking up speed to work on my coordination and endurance. I hear music come on overhead, it sounds likeInside Outby Conor Matthews, but I’m too zoned in on the bag to take much notice. I throw a few extra elbows in there just to see if I can still keep up the rhythm I’ve got going on and when I feel like I’ve gotten a good handle on it, I switch up my rhythm and move even faster to improve my timing.

Chapter Eleven


I’m so focused on my workout, I don’t even realize when Ren moves in on me. He flips me around to face him and I’m so startled, I bring my fist around, swinging for his face on instinct. He takes a step back to dodge my move, which only makes me want to go harder. He holds his hands up like he’s guarding his face and gives me a come on motion so I move in on him throwing all my best moves at him, but he’s fast, faster than Noah even. I don’t give up though. I use my anger towards everything happening in my life to go on the offense and attack with the best of my ability.

Finally I land a kidney punch and it barely phases him, but it does get him to fight back. It’s not long before I’ve gotten a few good face shots in and I’m starting to feel a lot better. The smacking sounds coming from each hit, the grunts from every elbow or kick we throw, the crack of knuckles as we slam our fist into each other is just another high I get from my own warped version of therapy. I’m going to feel it all later, but I’m proud to say I’m giving as good as I’m getting and I’m so fucking ecstatic that he’s not treating me like I’m a girl. I’m not some little bitch and he’s showing me respect by fighting back.

Before I know it, though, I end up working defensively countering his attacks. Jab, jab, uppercut. None of it works. Every ounce of space I put between us; he adjusts so I can’t find any breathing room. He’s coming at me too hard and too fast for me to counter with enough force to win this match. I’m learning a lot though, both about him and myself. He’s a fucking monster in the ring. I pity anyone fighting him for real.

Next thing I know I’m being brought down with a swift swipe of his legs, bringing mine out from under me. I go down hard with my head bouncing off the mat and I’m surprised to find that I’m actually turned on by him not taking it easy on me. I push him up with my arms and use my lower body strength to flip over so our roles are reversed and I’m on top of him. I bring my arms up to pin his to the mat in hopes that he’ll cave and tap out. It’s been too long and I’m getting worn out and I haven’t even done any circuit training yet.

When I push down on his arms, my face aligns with his and we are both breathing hard. My core is rubbing against his lower abs and instinctively my legs tighten against his hips. Every movement is beginning to feel more erotic than violent, which only becomes more intense when the song changes toAs You Areby The Weeknd. We are both breathing hard and our bodies are so close, I can feel his heartbeat start to increase to a rapid pace. At this point I can’t tell if my breathing is labored because of the intense workout or because of Ren.

I release his hold and move to sit up but he comes up with me and I end up in his lap, with my legs wrapped around him. Our noses are touching because of how quickly he moved with my motions and before I know what’s happening, Ren’s hands are tangled in the hair at the nape of my neck and he’s pushing our lips together with unrestrained force. He’s clearly been holding himself back up until this point because this kiss makes my body feel like it’s been doused in gasoline and the match lit.

Knowing that I can cause him to lose control fills me with the most intoxicating energy. I can feel his need straining against his shorts and my brain says to back off and run for safe ground, but my body, the needy bitch she is, grinds down hard on him, moaning and allowing him full access to my mouth. He swirls his tongue against mine and I moan louder. It feels like my whole body is being hit with tiny electric charges and my body starts tingling as my desire stokes the flame, burning me from the inside out.

Ren rips my new shirt right down the middle and quickly unzips the front of my sports bra, immediately homing in on my breasts. He tweaks one with his fingers, while his mouth engulfs the other, flicking it with his tongue and biting before switching to the other side.

Grabbing him by the back of his head, I twist my fingers into his hair so tightly, it must hurt. I’m practically shoving his face further into my boobs when he flips us back over and takes full control. Shoving his hard on directly into my core before licking down my body, following a trail of sweat from the exertion during our fight. His tongue trails over my belly button and down further. Yanking my spandex shorts down, he places his hulking form between my legs.

“Fucking beautiful.” He reverently whispers to himself before fucking devouring me whole.

He doesn’t hold back or tease me at all. He just licks, sucks and bites at my clit, then pushes two fingers into me, going right for my g-spot. I come so hard and so fast; I almost don’t believe what just happened.

The aftershocks of my orgasm take over and my whole body disintegrates into goo.

And then, as if the flame is doused with water, common sense kicks in along with a crippling amount of guilt.

Cohen,Matteo, Noah.
