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Thrusting a hand into my jeans, the officer fondles my pussy and sticks a finger inside of me, like he owns me and everything in this town. I scream and yell as tears stream down my face. He pushes me to the bathroom mirror, grabs a fistful of my hair, and forces me to stare at our reflection.

Nicole stares back at me, cheeks stained with ugly streaks of mascara and her red lipstick smudged all over her chin and cheeks. She weeps as she takes it from behind, biting her lip to hold back her sobs.

“Fucking slut,” the officer growls in her ear. “This is all you’re fucking good for.”

I shot up in Jace’s bed, my chest rising and falling in a ragged and unsteady rhythm as tears streamed down my face. Realizing that it had only been a dream, I pushed my tears away and scrambled out of bed, needing to pace and think, to get my mind off of that horrible nightmare.

After slipping out of the room, I walked back and forth in the hallway, a small night-light brightening the floor around my feet. Though it was still dark, at least I could see where I was going out here. I didn’t want to turn on the light in our room, knowing that I’d wake Jace after his strenuous game.

Rubbing my face and trying to stop thinking about my dream, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the sink to listen to the soothing sound of rushing water. I sat on the toilet with my head in my hands and forced myself to take deep breaths.

If that was what happened to Nicole every fucking day, I … I wanted to apologize for those men. Nobody deserved to be treated so poorly, and tonight, I’d let it happen to her without a second thought. I let that man touch her because I didn’t want to be touched. She had disappeared into that back building for me.

Tomorrow, I had to make it better. I had to do something. As much as I hated her, I couldn’t let her continue to be abused like that. The longer I stayed here, the more I learned that this whole fucking town was shit. People weren’t who I thought they were.

Once I splashed some cold water on my face, I shut the light off and opened the bathroom door to go back to Jace’s room. All I wanted to do was curl up in his arms and fall into a better night’s sleep, forget about my problems for a long damn time.

Someone bumped into me and cursed.

“Harlan?” Mom whispered, nervous.

“Mom?” I said, turning the bathroom light back on to see her.

She stood in the center of the hallway with a metal hanger in her hands, which looked to be uncoiled and bent in directions that it shouldn’t be. She stared at me with wide eyes and swallowed hard. “Honey,” she said, placing the hanger down by her side. “Go to bed. Now.”

I furrowed my brows and eyed the hanger. “What are you doing up and with that?”

She placed a hand to her chest, pressed her lips together, and rushed into the room, puking into the toilet.

I shut the door behind her and poured her a cup of water, crouching by her side. “Mom, what’s wrong with you?” I asked, handing her the water and holding back her hair. “You keep getting sick in the middle of the—” I stopped short and glanced between her and the hanger. “Mom …”

She grasped my hand and gave me a pitiful frown. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I’m so sorry. I-I’m pregnant.”
