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“That didn’t answer my question.”

“I don’t give a fuck if it answers your question or not.” I swallowed hard and stepped away from her, staring at the ground and slowly pacing around the room. “You fucking stood out in the freezing fucking rain and sucked me off because you wanted to, what? Prove yourself to me? To show me that you are the fucking best at this shit? You don’t really want to be here with me.”

Nobody fucking did.

Skylar pressed her fake lips together and flared her nostrils. “Blaise, you know—”

“I’m not going to fucking listen to you,” I growled, grabbing her by the upper arm and dragging her to the door. “Get the fuck out of my house. I don’t want to see or hear from you for the rest of the fucking night.”



Five minutes before the first bell rang at Redwood, I sat in my Ferrari F8 with my hand around my cock as I read the last page of Vera’s notebook. After spitting on it, I stroked it faster and faster, grunting.

After Skylar had left, I’d pulled an all-nighter and read every page of this notebook. Every fucking page. And I still couldn’t wrap my fucking head around howVera Rodriguez—the nerdy, unpopular, innocent girl from World History—had this much of a filthy mind.

How could I corrupt a mind like hers? She’d probably get off on me blackmailing her.

“Fuuuuck,” I groaned, wrapping my hand around the head of my dick.

Everyone around me was already rushing into the buildings to get to class. I could sit here all fucking day and jerk off like a fucking idiot, and nobody would notice. But I couldn’t seem to fucking stop.

Glancing out the windshield, I spotted a flash of yellow rain boots hurrying across the street. With her ripped coat zipped all the way up to her chin and a pile of books in her arms, Vera cut through the student parking lot from the street and hurried toward the entrance to Redwood Academy’s main building.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment, stroking my cock faster and faster.

God, I was a fucking loser for sitting in this car and fucking jerking off to this story when I could be fucking Skylar—or even Vera now—in the school restroom. I wanted to be inside Vera again, wanted her whimpering and crying into my ear.

All night, I hadn’t been able to stop reading, stop thinking about the way she’d felt, the sounds she’d made, how her pussy had tightened around me when I came deep inside her cunt. It was the first fucking time I’d lost control like that, the first time I had come inside anyone after promising myself that I wouldn’t—at least, not without a condom.

Chocolate-brown hair blowing in the breeze, Vera clutched her books tight to her chest and took two stairs at a time up the main staircase to the front door. I threw my head back and grunted, my warm cum spilling out into my fist.

I’d never thoughtshewould be the one I lost control with. Since I had known her, she had been quiet and reserved and innocent—someone that I would never ever think about touching or blackmailing.

After sighing softly, I relaxed against my seat, wiped the cum off with a spare sweatshirt that I never wore anymore, and tucked myself back away in my pants. Two minutes before first class started, and I would actually be on time for once.

Spotting Vera one last time, I turned off my car. Before she could enter the building, João Rocha—leader of Poison—grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. I tightened my hand around the steering wheel and watched him move closer to her as he handed her something.

She stared at him for a few moments, exchanging a couple words with him and giving him her full attention. Unlike when other people talked to Poison, Vera wasn’t shaking in fear of João. Instead, she talked to him like she knew him … a bit too well.

“What the fuck?” I growled, throwing on my backpack and opening the door.

As I hopped up onto the curb, Vera disappeared through the front doors with João. I picked up my pace and stepped into the school, pushing and shoving whoever the fuck got in my way until I made it to the main hallway. I stared around, hoping to find her, but she was gone in the hundreds of students.

I rushed down the maze of hallways, trying to find either Vera or João but coming up empty. Skylar stood at my locker with her arms crossed over her chest. She must’ve been waiting for me. But I didn’t have time for her shit right now.

When she saw me, she pushed herself off the metal lockers and hurried after me. “Listen, I’m sorry about last night. I wanted to come over and help you feel good. You’ve been more stressed than normal lately, Blaise. I can see it.”

“You wanted to feel good about your-fucking-self,” I said, pushing through a group of students to see if I could find them. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing or why I was doing it, but I couldn’t stop. “Leave me alone.”

“Blaise.” Skylar pouted, grabbing my elbow and stopping me completely.

This bitch was going to ruin everything.

The bell rang throughout the halls, and I ripped myself away from her. “Get to fucking class. I have shit to do. We’ll fucking talk later.”

After giving me another eye roll, Skylar walked down the hall to whatever class that she had. I decided that I wouldn’t find Vera like this, so I did the one thing that I knew how to do—flirt with the lady in the office to get Vera’s schedule.
