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Kissing her softly, I sighed as the tightness in my shoulders loosened with that simple gesture. “I’ll come with you. Help you wash all those hard-to-reach places.”

She laughed and pressed her hand to my chest. “Yeah, no. You go in there with me, we’re going to do everythingbutshower. I need a little intermission.” I opened my mouth to argue, but she stopped me with another sweet kiss. “Please, King. I’m a big girl. I can wash my own ass.”

“Can you?”

She looked a little sheepish. “Probably.”

“Will you at least promise to call out for me if you need help? I cross my heart Jake won’t go anywhere near your pretty kitty.”

An exasperated laugh escaped as she shook her head. “I’ve missed you. More than you could know.”

“Not as much as I missed you.”

“Oh yeah? Did you hold imaginary conversations? ’Cause I did. I did it with accents and man voices and everything.”

I blinked at her, laughter tumbling out. “I’m sorry what? I’m gonna need proof of this, Sunshine. Show me your best, Kingston. I’m dying to hear your impression of me.”

Thorne sat up, his brows lifted in amusement. “Yes, please do share. I’m intrigued.”

Her cheeks burned pink. “You’ll laugh at me.”

“I can guaran-fucking-tee it.”

“You’re really not going to let this go, are you?”

“Not on your fucking life, baby.”

She huffed, cheeks crimson as she spun around, giving both of us her back. “I can’t do it if I’m looking at you.”

“Whatever you need, dove. The stage is yours.”

I wasn’t prepared for what she did then.

She cleared her throat. “Go on, Sunshine. It’s okay to tell Jake how much you missed him.” Shifting into Thorne’s snobby accent, she continued. “Oh, piss off, Kingston. I didn’t have to name my cock to make sure she missed it.” Without a beat, she slid into Alek’s clipped British. “Please, we all know she loves my Novasgardian footlong best.” Followed by Caleb’s lilting Irish. “You’re all a bunch of fecking children. Miss Fallon, be a good girl, and tell them all it’s mine you love most.”

Doubling over, I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. “You... Fuck... I can’t... breathe.”

Even Thorne was wheezing with laughter. “Bloody hell, isthatwhat we sound like to you?”

Her shoulders stiffened, and she beelined for the bathroom, ignoring both of us.

“Baby, wait. That was incredible. Don’t be embarrassed. You’ve got us totally nailed. We’re nothing but a bunch of dick happy assholes.”

“Leave me alone. I’m going to try and wash the mortification off now.”

Thorne was on his feet, right beside me as we both went to her, doing our best to smooth over her ruffled feathers.

“Come on, little wolf. Don’t be like that. You intended for us to laugh. Otherwise you would have said something else.”

I dropped a kiss to her shoulder. “Would it make you feel better to hear our impersonation of you?”

“Not a good idea, mate.”

“Why? Is your American accent shite?” I asked, slipping into my version of a posh British accent.

“Yes. But I’m sure I can do a solid arsehole wolf impression.” Thorne cleared his throat and slipped into some bastardized version of a cowboy surfer. “Whoa, dude, you want me to whip out my cock and count my piercings for you? I’m such a badass. Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker.”

“Bloody hell, would you like some tea and crumpets with your top hat and monocle, Mr. Blackthorne? Cheerio, govna. Pip pip and all that sort of thing.”
