Page 16 of Switched

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“All things considered, you get a pass this one time.”

Her brows furrow together, confused. “A pass for what?”

“For what you tried to do last week at the club. You will never speak to me like that ever again or try to lay a hand on me. Do you understand, girl?”

She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes firmly as she shakes her head. Her hands ball into fists, sitting on her lap. “Was that all I was to you, Drake? A bet you made with the boys? A prize…”

I drop down on one knee so that I’m eye level with her and place my hands over hers, “Candace, that whole bet thing was Jackson’s idea in the first place. You were never a bet to me. You have always meant way so much more, and you always will. I’ve wanted you for so long now, far longer then you know, I think. I wanted to be your Dom, your protector, everything that you always needed in a man. Of course, I’m a man and as you know a very dominant one. So, my ego sometimes takes over and so I did make a bet with Jackson and Thomas. They were acting like they were going to go after you and I couldn’t bear the thought of it. I had to eliminate any competition and I’m telling you now, that I’m truly so sorry for doing it. I’m not sorry for going after you, though. I’m not sorry for any of the memories we made, or for the way I feel about you. I will never apologize for it, because you have been the best thing I’ve ever done. Gaining the courage to finally express my interest was the best thing, for both of us. Look at how far we’ve come.” I smile softly, looking into her eyes as she opens them. Her eyes are glassy, filled with tears.

“The way I felt when I found out… you could never imagine the betrayal and pain that coursed through every vein in my body. It hurt so much, Drake. Do you understand that? It made me replay every moment we’ve ever had together through my mind like a movie, wondering if it was real or all for this damned bet. I went from having utter and complete faith in you, to doubting everything. In less than five minutes our entire relationship was turned upside down. So how exactly am I supposed to feel about that? About how you hid this from me? You should have just told me from the beginning. How on earth can I have you as my Dom when I don’t know whether what you’re saying is the truth or fabrication to save us?”

Every feeling that Candace has just told me she’s had is something that she’s entitled to. I was wrong, and I fully admit that. I have the deepest regrets not telling her about the damn bet, and here I am, kneeling at her feet hoping that everything we’ve built together doesn’t come crumbling down. I swallow hard, thinking of the right words to say to her right now. I now realize that there aren’t any right words to say, only words from the heart. I reach up and graze my hand along her cheek, reaching into my breast pocket of my suit jacket and pull out a green velvet box. A box that I’ve had for ages, knowing that this day would come.

I clear my throat, hoping that she’ll accept this token of my love for her. Opening the box, I reveal a gold choker with a twenty-carat emerald pendant in the middle. The perfect collar for my perfect girl. “Candance, I know that this isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. It never will be I’m afraid, but what we will be is real. It’ll be hard, and sometimes we’ll want to throw in the towel because life is constantly testing us. But I want to go through life with you. Only you. I would love for you to wear this collar and be my one and only submissive, my baby girl, my everything.

Candace reaches out and brushes her fingers along the gold collar, cascading down until she’s touched the pendant. Her eyes shift from the necklace to me as she takes a heavy sigh and gives me a half-smile.

“I want to accept this. I truly do, but I don’t think you realize the severity of your actions. I’m not ready to accept your collar, Drake, because I need to be able to depend on you. Your love, your affection, your guidance, and most importantly your honesty. You’ve failed to be honest with me once. So, no, I won’t accept your collar, not now. I will think on it and when I feel that you’ve earned the right to be my Dominant, I will tell you when I’m ready.”

This woman is everything I’ve ever imagined and more. She’s iron-willed in her strength, compassionate more than others could ever possibly understand and sticks to her word. She may not have said yes, but she didn’t say no. Candace just told me not right now. We’re far from over, and I’ll be showing her every damn day why I’m the man for her, and why she is the perfect baby girl for me.

Together, we can accomplish anything.




Time is a funny thing. It either passes you by quicker than you can blink, or it seems like eons to get through one day. As for me, I can say that the last few weeks have passed quicker than any previous. Drake has helped me occupy my time by having me do jobs around his businesses. I’m sort of his liaison, sorting out what shit he actually needs to attend to and what I can handle for him. Essentially, I’m a glorified personal assistant. With every passing day, I see the way that he looks at me, how he’s waiting for the moment that I’ll accept his collar. I’ve expressed to him that it will take time and only I will know when I’m ready for that level of commitment with him. He’s done his best to show me I can trust him, but what he did still sits heavy in my heart. There is no rushing this, and he knows that as well as I.

I find myself often thinking of my father, of the things that I could have done differently. At the end of the day, I think that I didn’t do enough because I wasn’t breathing down the administration’s throat. If I had tried harder… there is no doubt in my mind that I could have gotten him out. I could have gotten him an appeal, but now we’ll never know. Ever since my father’s death, Carly has been around a lot more. When I say around, I really mean that she’s been mooching off of me, using me as her personal source of food, and becoming my new roommate. My couch has become her bed, and the floor her dresser. I’d much rather have her within my sights though. If I can keep a good eye on her, it means that I can keep her out of a bit of trouble. Or so one would think.

“You keep watching the door. Care to tell me what’s happening tonight?” Drake asks, running his hand along my arm as he stands behind me.

I turn my head to the right and peer up at him. “Miss. Sharpe is coming to meet Chase tonight. I’m a little anxious to see how it goes.”

Drake nods, “I can imagine why. They’ll be a good fit together, you’ll see.”

I smile to myself, “I know they will. I introduced the two of them in the first place and I happen to be quite the matchmaker.”

Drake cackles, “You’re not the only matchmaker here, darling.”

I raise my eyebrows, “Oh? And what have you done?” I ask, already knowing that he has something up his sleeve.

Drake shrugs his shoulders, “I haven’t done anything. Sam was inquiring about Carly and I told him a bit about her.”

I turn around quicker than I ever thought possible. “Carly and Sam can’t be a thing, ever.”

“Why’s that?”

I sigh, taking a deep breath. “I could give you five million reasons why that’s a bad idea but the one that sticks out the most is the fact that your brother is a good, kind-hearted man and my sister is…”

“Lovely. Spirited. Hysterical. Unique.” Drake fires out at me, eyes full of judgment. “You don’t get to decide who dates your sister, Candace. If Sam wants to peruse her, he very much will. The men in my family are a tad stubborn.”

“They wouldn’t be a good match, Drake. My sister is all of what you said, yes… but Carly is broken. There is no fixing my sister, and she won’t be your brother’s charity case. I won’t allow it.” Sam is a sweet man, but I refuse to let him get close to her. Because I know what’s going to happen. He’s going to get close enough, try to help, and then leave her alone after he feels that his work is done. Carly doesn’t need that. What she needs is someone who won’t give up on her.

“How about we both agree to stay out whatever it is that happens between those two?” Drake suggests.

“I don’t like that idea,” I admit, “I really don’t like it.”

“You don’t like anything that I have to say if I’m not agreeing with you.” He laughs, and I roll my eyes even though he’s right. I take a deep breath and let the worry fall off of my shoulders. I just have to see what unfolds before my eyes, not just for Carly and Sam, but for Chase and Miss. Sharpe as well.

Time is an interesting thing.
