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Regret replaces the brewing violence in Vaughn’s eyes, and when Greg’s fist comes back again, he doesn’t even move. A scream breaks free of my lungs as another brutal punch lands on Vaughn’s face. But again, all he does is give a small shake of his head.

Greg’s nostrils flare with every breath, the look in his eyes wild. “There are rules, asshole! There are lines you don’t cross. I know you don’t like me and the feeling is mutual, but we’re on the same fucking team and you dothis?”

Vaughn’s had enough. He shoves Greg off. “I know she’s your sister. And that’s why I let you have not one, but two free throws. Now get your shit together and listen, because you won’t get another. This isn’t about you. I tried to stay away from her… but I couldn’t.”

“Is that supposed to be a fucking excuse? You tried? Fuck you,” Greg spits. He’s pushing for violence, just like he was that day at the start of the season.

My heart stops as guilt rips through me.

I can’t let it happen.

Both of them want me far away from the conflict on the brink of exploding, but I push forward. Heart slamming, I rush between them, putting a hand on both their chests.

“Greg, stop. I’m not some victim here, so don’t try to paint me like one. I wanted this. For crying out loud, look at my shirt. It’s got his name on it! We’re together. This really isn’t about you.”Please don’t let him see the panties.

There’s pity in Greg’s eyes as he looks to me. “I know you think this is real. And I’m so fucking sorry that you got caught in the middle, but believe me, the only reason this asshole is with you is tofuck with me. He doesn’t care about you, Nat. He’s using you.”

Vaughn’s hand closes over mine at his chest. “He’s wrong.”

I know he is. But it doesn’t make what Greg’s saying any easier to hear. Throat tight, I look my brother in the eyes and find my voice. “I know this might be hard for you to understand, but itispossible for a guy to want to be with mebecause of me.”

“Yeah, Nat,just not this guy.” Greg grabs my upper arm, trying to pull me out from between the two of them. “You need to go to your room and put some fucking pants on. I’ll handle Vassar.” I know what he wants, to take me out of the equation, but that’s not how it’s going to work. I’m a part of this, as much as either of them. And I’m not going anywhere.

I dig my heels in.

His grip tightens and I wince.

The air in the room changes and then it’s Vaughn with his hands on Greg, and his face a mere inch away. It’s his voice that’s laced with deadly intent. “Get your fucking hand off of her before I put my fist through your throat.”

Greg’s eyes flash to the too-tight hold on my arm. Instantly he releases it, shaking his head as he apologizes. Not because Vaughn made him, but because that’s not the guy Greg is. He would never willfully hurt me or any other female. But I’m still glad he let me go. I’m not his ten-year-old little sister in need of saving, I’m a woman and I have something to say.

I didn’t want to have to do this, but Greg needs a reality check. “Vaughn didn’t even know who I was the first time I came on to him.” I feel Vaughn’s chest twitch under my touch, but don’t look at him. Technically I wasn’t so much the pursuer as the pursuee, but for tonight’s purposes that’s a clarification we don’t need to make. “He had no idea I was your sister.”

“So he’d like you to believe,” Greg bites back. “I talk about you. Everyone knows I have a sister.”

Another grunt from Vaughn. “Believe it or not, Baxter, but I’m not hanging on your every word.”

I shoot Vaughn a stern look and grumble, “Not helping.” Then turning back to my brother, I take a deep breath. “Yeah, but when I met him almost a year ago, he wasn’t on this team. We weren’t even in this country, and I told him my name was Allie.”

“You what?” Greg blinks, his brows plowing together as his chin pulls back. “Wait, are you telling me this has been going on for ayear?” He rakes a hand through the short waves of his hair. “You’ve been screwing this guy behind my back whenI knowyou know who he is. I know you remember what a total fucker he was—since he was fifteen fucking years old. Number 26 from East.”

Between the disapproval in his look and the betrayal in his voice, I feel lower than low. But this situation needs to be defused as quickly as possible. He needs to know the truth.

“To me he was someone else, okay? He always has been. And when I saw him after that game, yes, I knew who he was, but I didn’t want him to know who I was… because I wanted him to like me. But he didn’t even know who I was until about a month into the season. And then… well, we became friends.”

I’m pretty sure my brother doesn’t need me to elaborate on the details. He already looks shell-shocked, so I leave it at that. “Greg, I appreciate you looking out for me. But I think I’ve made it clear that it’s not necessary. I was on a date and I’d like to finish it.”

Again, I feel a quake in Vaughn’s chest, but I’m pretty sure this one is a laugh he’s trying not to let out.

Greg gapes at me. “You wantmeto leave? Leave him… here with you.”

I let out a humorless laugh. “Yes. I know sometimes it feels like the whole world revolves around you, but occasionally, it doesn’t. This is about me and the guy I’ve been seeing. A guy who didn’t take advantage of me and had the self-control not to break your nose after you sucker-punched him,jerk. So I’d appreciate it if you would walk out of here without giving me a hard time. And I’m asking you,as my brother, to have enough respect for me, my privacy, and my choices not to share this with the team, and particularly your coach.”

Greg looks from me to Vaughn and back again, scrubbing his hand over the back of his head. One heavy breath later, he raises his hands, palms out. “Fine, whatever you want, Nat.” Raking a loathsome look over Vaughn, he shakes his head. “When this guy fucks up, I’m just a phone call away.”

Taking my brother’s arm, I walk him to the door. “Good night, Greg.”

* * *
