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Between the music and the amped-up post-win crowd, the Five Hole is pretty loud, but I swear I can hear his molars grinding together as she fills him in. Rux has been a little overprotective of me since I scored what Natalie calls surrogate-little-sister status, but I think of more as being besties-in-law. And the look on his face right now is about as threatening as I’ve ever seen. But I’m pretty sure I don’t have to remind him of the no-beating-up-Cammy’s-ex-boyfriends rule.

“Keep your chin up?” he growls. “Is he fucking kidding?”

I lean into his side for a squeeze. “I know, right? Like I’m going to be so broken up about losinghim? Please. And honestly, I can’t even be angry about him waiting until after the game—because, come on, Slayers tickets.”

Everyone around the table grudgingly agrees.

“The thing that rubs is I only agreed to go out with him because he asked like two hours after I found out Jeremy was moving back to Chicago. And I didn’t want to be single when he got here. But now, not even a month later and here I am… single again.”

Rux shakes his head. “What do you care if Jeremy thinks you’re dating someone? That asshole left you pregnant at eighteen.”

I shouldn’t care. After all these years I wish I didn’t. But the way he left me was brutal.

“I guess I just wanted him to see that I’m doing fine without him.” That I’m not waiting anymore.

“Sunshine, you’re better than fine. So you don’t date much—”

“I’mchoosy.” Careful. Patient. God, have I been patient.

“Hell, yeah you are. And you’re also an awesome, hot-as-fuck mom with an incredible kid, a sister who would lay down her life for you, and kickass friends who love you. Plus, you’re rocking a great job that lets you work from home, your fridge always has the best snacks, and you score Slayers tickets on demand. Babe, you’re killing it.”

I feel myself getting a little misty, so I focus on the fun. “Your seats are pretty great.”

I grew up on football thanks to Julia, but since she married into hockey, I’ve seen the light.

“Right?” Reaching for my other shoulder, Rux pulls me around so we’re facing each other and I’m looking into his dark brown eyes. So it’s just him and me. “Jeremy knowwhoyou were dating?”

“No.” He hasn’t even asked.

Which is totally fine. It’s not like I thought Jeremy Levenson would be banging my door down trying to score some long-overdue second chance. He’s had seven years and hasn’t done it yet. Besides, if he’s really back for our son, then I don’t want anything else muddying the waters.

A nod. Rux looks past me. His eyes get hard, and I swear the next breath he takes fills his chest to twice its size, broadening his already intimidating shoulders. Following his glacial stare, I find The Blip standing a few feet off, his fangirl eyes locked on Rux.

“Yo, Rux, great game tonight… buy you a beer?”

No. Freaking. Way.

I turn back to Rux, expecting the seams of his suit to be busting open. But instead of going full-on Hulk… he’s smiling. Sort of. This isn’t Rux’s real smile, the one so contagious my son can’t see it without breaking into fits of giggles. This is something else. Something dangerous.

Rux nods to the guy I’m pretty sure he wants to take apart. “Yo, thanks for getting out of my way.”

Out of his way? What’s he—

In the next second, his mouth slants over mine in a kiss so unexpected, that in a million years I wouldn’t have seen it coming. A kiss that startles me still, frozen in his hold as he bows me back through one heartbeat, two…thirteen. When Rux pulls clear, he looks past me to where The Blip is standing red-faced and openmouthed, and growls, “Leave.”

There’s no argument.

The table is silent around us and I still haven’t blinked.

George breaks the silence, eyes wide, and whisper-squeals, “Rux is your dirty rebound!”

Finally, I sputter, “Rux, you just kissed me!”

He winks. “You’re welcome.”

* * *

