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“Really? You can’t believe it?” she teases through the line.

Smart-mouthed thing.Don’t think about her mouth.

“You couldn’t let me talk to Greg first?” I wedge a pillow behind me and angle into the corner, a grin stretching across my face. Because she’s right, I should have known she’d talk to her sister before I could get to my buddy.

“Would it really have mattered?”

“Hell, yes. Ever hear of thebro code? I should’ve been the one to tell him. What if he’d been pissed? What if he’d been lying in wait, ready to beat my ass when I got there?”

I can practically see her rolling her eyes.

“Well, was he?”

“No, but he let me make a complete fool of myself trying to explain.”

That laugh. That’s what I needed to hear. And because I want even more of it, I start dishing the details, reveling in every giggle and smile-laced sigh.

The plane is filling up, the cushion of empty rows between me and the next guys shrinking to where I’ve got to be careful with my words. Not something I generally excel at, but this is Cammy.

“Hey, we good?” I lower my voice, wishing we were kicked back on her couch right now so I could look into her eyes while I asked. “You okay about everything today?”

She takes a breath and I hold mine. But I can still hear the smile in her words when she answers. “I’m good, Rux. A little distracted. People keep asking what the smile’s about and where my head is.”

I rub at that spot in the center of my chest, grinning. “That so?”

“Oh my God, listen to you. Is there even room in the cabin for that ego of yours or are they going to have to put it down in the cargo hold with all the other big sticks?”

“Sunshine, if you start talking about big sticks and whether things will fit—”


“What?” I ask, playing dumb, the way she’s playing at being shocked.

For a minute I just hear her breathe. It’s nice, and some jacked-up part of me wonders if she’d let me record it sometime, so I’d always have it to listen to when I need to chill out. Not sure it would even work if I knew she wasn’t actually there with me. Miles away but in the same moment.

“I know this might just be another Tuesday for you—”

“It’s Saturday, Sunshine.”

She sighs, but it’s one of those good ones. “You know what I mean. Nights like last night—I don’t get a lot of those. So yeah, it’s been keeping a smile on my face all day.”

I sit up. “Let’s get something straight, last night wasn’t just another Tuesday or Friday or any other day for me. Last night was different. Being with someone who means so much to me was special. And for the record, I’ve been getting shit for the smile on my face most of the day too.”

“Really?” she asks, and damn, I wonder how it’s possible she can know me so well in so many ways and not know this.

“Yeah, really.” And since we’re being honest, I tell her the rest. “As much as I wish I was there right now, it’s probably better I’m not.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because it was so good, I’m having a little troublethinkinglike a friend today. And if I was back there—” Close enough to touch. To reach out. To see if I could get her to make those same sexy-as-sin noises for me again. To see if I could get her to make them louder. “I might have troubleactinglike one too.”

She pauses, but I trust her not to freak out. Then, “Yeah, probably better then… Because you wouldn’t be the only one.”

I’m not the type to be at a loss for words, but that quiet admission has me stunned. I’m the jackass with impulse control issues. Not Cammy.

She’s a rock. Solid. Steady. The kind of woman willing and capable of making the tough choice no matter what it costs her in order to do the right thing. And she isn’t sure she’d be able to resistme?

“Sunshine,” I half groan, trying like hell not to revisit the details of last night, but unable to fight the mental highlights reel rolling through my mind.
