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“I know, right?” Another soft breath, only this one doesn’t calm me. It makes me think about the way her breath felt against my neck when I heard it last night. Fuuuck.

“So the road trip is a good thing. And when I get back, we’ll be back on track.”


“Just two good friends with one hot night between them.” Shit, we’re ready to take off. “Hey, I hate to say it, but I gotta go.”

She wishes me a good game and we hang up. I’m about to power down the phone when I see her text come through.

Cammy: I think you meant one SUPER hot night behind us.

And the next second an attachment pops up… and holy hell, I can’t believe she did it. But there, splashed across the screen I’m shielding with my hand and angling toward my chest, is the photo I took with her phone last night before I left.

It’s the two of us on her bed, her bare leg thrown over mine, Wonder Woman and Superman skivvies on proud display.

Cammy put on a tank top, but it’s so thin,fuck me, even in this arm’s-length selfie I can still see the dusky outline of her tight nipples. The tank is bunched just a little, the bottom riding around her ribs, showing off a generous stretch of smooth bare skin below.

I swallow hard.

She’s looking at me in the shot, and we’re laughing. Easy and happy, and this picture is so perfect, there’s a part of me that knows I ought to delete it now. Get rid of it before it has a chance to dig in any deeper and seed any more of the ideas I’m not supposed to get about Cammy Wesley.

Chapter 10


There was a time when having Jeremy calling me would have left me breathless and bursting with joy. But that feels like a lifetime ago. Today, it’s mostly embarrassment as I drag myself out of the fog of a dirty dream that was just getting good. Dream Rux made another appearance last night, but he wasn’t pulling that same teasing bullshit from the first time. I’d just gotten into his pants when the phone rang.

“Sorry to call so early on a Sunday,” Jeremy starts tentatively as I squint at the clock.

“It’s okay. I can’t actually believe Matty let me sleep past seven anyway.” Pushing my hair back from my face, I’m headed toward his room when I hear the clank of silverware coming from the kitchen and turn around. “What’s going on?”

“Friend of mine at work has some tickets to the Museum of Science and Industry and can’t use them. I know it’s not my day, but I thought if you guys didn’t have other plans, maybe we could all go together.”

My stomach tenses. Being around Jeremy dredges up so many feelings. Honestly, I’m not sure I’m up for it.

“Oh, um. We had a few errands…” In the kitchen, I rub my hand over Matty’s back and drop a kiss on his head when he leans into me. This boy has missed so much time with his dad, I don’t want to be the reason he misses more.

Clearing my throat, I shake my head. “But sure. Why not.”

“Great! Awesome. I’ll pick you guys up about eleven.”

Matty’s watching me with hopeful eyes, no doubt having heard his dad through the line. “Dad’s coming over today?”

And like that, whatever doubts I had about saying yes are gone.

We get a few chores taken care of before riding over all together. The museum is amazing. Matty’s been there before, but it’s clear being with his dad has him seeing it with new eyes. Jeremy buys us lunch and seems completely engrossed in everything Matty has to tell him, only breaking eye contact with our boy long enough to look up at me. Like I don’t already know how incredible this kid’s brain is.

We stay through the afternoon and by the time we leave, I’m too wiped to take Jeremy up on his offer to help with our errands. I’ve missed a text from Julia with a video of Rux dancing in the weight room at the hotel.

Julia: Check out what Popov sent to Greg from this morning. Rux has the moves like Jagger.

He’s got something. He’s pulling out the sprinkler, running man, lawnmower and Cabbage Patch that I can identify. There’s a whole lot more going on I can’t.

That thick hair is pulled back on top with an elastic and his face and bare chest are ruddy and glistening with sweat. And the way his abs flex and shift with each ridiculous move… Do his shorts always hang that low? How have I never noticed?

“What’s that face about?” Jeremy asks from the driver’s seat.

I’m about to tell him it’s nothing when Matty chirps in from the back. “Is that Rux? Can I see?”
