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“Stay the fuck away from that sandwich!” he shouts from around the corner.

Muttering a curse, I slide the grinder that looks amazing back on the shelf and close the door. Walking back into the living room annoyingly empty-handed, I drop onto the giant-ass couch.

“Dude, Cammy says you kiss for shit.”

Yeah, right. “Ha-ha. Try again. What did Cammy really say?”

There’s an evil glint in his eyes and it’s a hell of a lot better than what’s there when we’re talking about the game that’s been a constant through our whole lives up to now. “Said your mouth was disappointing as fuck. Took a Sharpie to the ladies’ room wall at the Five Hole and dropped a one-star review.”

“Bullshit.” I kick my feet up on the coffee table. “No way she said I was a bad kisser. I’m the fucking best… Your mom told me so.”

Greg groans, his head falling back on a laugh. “Dude, you did not.”

I lick my finger and touch the air above my head, adding a little sizzle sound effect.

“But for real, man, what were you thinking kissing her?” He meets my eyes and after a moment, laughs again. “Right, you weren’t.”

Story of my life.

Chapter 3


“How the hell is this possible?” I bellow from Cammy’s kitchen. Her fridge is always stocked. She has the best snacks.Homemadesnacks and tons of them.

I was hungry before I left my house, but knowing I was coming over here, I waited for the good stuff. Cupcakes. Zucchini bread. Those giant chocolate chip cookies she keeps a bag of in the freezer.

But today, nothing.

“Where are the snacks?”

She steps into the doorway, notching her fist at her hip.

“Are you seriously looking for food?” she coughs out. “We are literally leaving for dinner now.”

I’m always hungry. And her fridge is always stocked. I point inside.

“Where’s the food?”

That patiently amused look she’s giving me fades and a hint of worry edges into her eyes.

“Matty was concerned there wouldn’t be anything to eat at his dad’s tonight. I told him I was sure it would be fine, but he filled the beach cooler with half the kitchen anyway.”

I close the fridge, my appetite gone.

Cammy is putting on a good show of letting that dick twizzler into Matty’s life, but I know it’s killing her every time she has to let her kid go. She could have told Jeremy to fuck himself when he showed up back in Chicago, but she didn’t. Having grown up without a father herself, she wants more for her son. And because her heart is so damn big, she cares about Jeremy getting a second chance with Matty too.

Ask me, anyone who would leave their pregnant girlfriend because he couldn’t handle the responsibility is a serious asshole and doesn’t deserve another chance at the gift he threw away. But bad as it burns, I don’t get a say. So I’m just trying to be there for my girl best I can.

She deserves it.

“Matty nervous his dad was going to try and feed him sun-dried tomato hummus with water crackers again?” Yeah, I heard about last time.

“Seems like it,” she says with a soft smile, but the worry is still there.

“That kid’s all you. Smart as a whip. He wasn’t sure his dad got the memo, so he decided to show him how it was done.” And then even though I know she knows it, I also know it doesn’t hurt to hear it, so I add, “He’s gonna be fine.”

She takes a breath that’s a little bigger than normal and gives me a smile that’s not quite as bright as usual. And I thank God she’s not holding a grudge about that kiss. Because I can see in her eyes, Cammy could use a hug.
