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Good Girl. I’ll never hear those words again without thinking of all the ways Wade and I were bad.


My head snaps up, eyes shooting to that gap from the open door and the mirror beyond. To the blue eyes watching me through the reflection.

“Fine. Yes,” I answer hoarsely, no idea what I’ve agreed to. Not caring.

His smile spreads and then he tips his head back beneath the spray to rinse while I try to find enough air in the room to breathe.

A few minutes later, he’s out of the bathroom, holding the white hotel towel at one hip while he uses another to rub his hair dry. He gives me a funny smile that probably has something to do with me standing in exactly the same spot he left me in before he showered. “Huh.”

“Huh, what?” I take two steps back. One to the side.

And realize I’ve moved to a spot in the room so remote and useless, it probably hasn’t been occupied in all its years of existence.

“Just something Axe said.” Wade’s eyes flick over me, crinkling at the edges before he disappears into the front room. A minute later, I hear the pull-out groan under his weight. “Night, Good Girl. Sweet dreams.”

Chapter 15


All yesterday I waited for a sign that Harlow was seeing me differently. That with time to think, she might realize she wanted more. That this thing between us was too good to cap off at one night. That a connection like ours couldn’t be ignored.


By the end of the night, my ego was walking with a limp, complaining about the cold. My lifetime sentence to the Friend Zone about to be handed down, I was trying to be cool, because I didn’t want to be the dickhead making everything weird. I didn’t want to be the reason we couldn’t be friends… because if that was all I could have, I’d take it.

But then we got back here.

And she gotweird.

It was nothing I could put a finger on exactly. More like a subtle tension that hadn’t been there before.

A possible weak spot to exploit.

Except I didn’t want to put a move on her only to have her freak out and push me away after. I didn’t want her to leave. I didn’t want to lose her.

And that’s when I remembered the dumbest, most asinine advice I’ve ever gotten.

Be the bunny.

Now it’s morning and I’m in bed, thumbs grudgingly moving over my phone.

Me: Asshole.

Axe: So it worked.

I want to be mad, but damn. The look on her face last night.

Me: I thought you were fucking with me.

Axe: Yeah, I was.

I blink. Blink again. Nope, that’s a twitch.

Axe: But the more I thought about it… laughing to myself for hours and hours and hours… I realized it might actually have some merit.

Me: Say goodbye to your teeth.
