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No one has ever wanted me to be theirs. And the way this man does, so openly, so completely… it makes my heart ache so hard I can barely breathe through it.

Hands shaking, I trace the lines of his face. Slip my knee higher up his ribs. Inviting. “I’m yours.”

God, the sound he makes. It’s pure possessive relief.

And then he’s pushing inside me. Thick and long. Slow and gentle.

He fills my body the way he’s filling my heart. Completely. And when it feels like he’s given me all I can take, he says my name with quiet reverence… and gives me that much more.

We move together. Eyes locked. Bodies straining.

It’s beautiful.

It’s making love. My first time. And I never want to stop.

Chapter 22


She’s mine.

Knowing it—hearing her say it once should have been enough. But I’m like a damn addict, needing more, again, louder. Coaxing, teasing, and working it out of her… On my knees with her hands in my hair, her back against the door to our room, the taste of her coating my tongue. Her breathless cries falling like soft rain over my shoulders.

Against the shower wall, while I give her my cock so slow and good. She says ittwice.

On. The. Pull-out.

I give her everything I have.Almosteverything.

I want to tell her how hot and sweet she is. I want her to hear how she makes me feel. That nothing has ever been so good. But I don’t dare say a damn word, because if I open my mouth when we’re that close, when I can feel her heart beating against mine… I’m going to tell her something it’s too soon to say.

Something that when she hears it the first time, I want her to believe with her whole heart and never doubt.

Eventually, we make it out to the truck and the abandoned travel smorgasbord.

“You really went all out,” she says with the kind of soft, satisfied smile I’d like to keep on her lips for the next fifty years or so.

But when she tries to reach for the hours-cold coffee in her drink holder, I swat her hand away. “No. This one’s no good.” Fucking tainted with heartbreak, and she’s not getting one sip.

I collect every single thing I bought before dawn including the neck pillow. I even take the charger I’d plugged in for her phone, and I dump the entire lot of it into the trash bin by the lobby door.

When I get back, Harlow’s staring at me like I’m out of my mind. But I just slide into my seat, take her hand in mine, and lean over to kiss her. Quick. Because the sun’s up and my gorgeous Good Girl was already embarrassed by the noise we made earlier.

I should feel guilty, butfuuuck, once I found that spot that made her scream… no way was I giving that up.

“You getfreshcoffee and ahotbreakfast.”

She’s still playing with my knuckles. Damn, that’s nice. “When are we supposed to be at your mom’s?”

Half an hour ago, but I already texted that we were running late. “After I get you fed.”

* * *


I keep waitingfor the nerves. The uncertainty. The looming sense of dread that always accompanies the slightest hint of resistance to my father’s dictates. But it doesn’t come. Not at eight, when I was supposed to be at work. Not through breakfast. Not once Wade parks me in his high school bedroom and tells me to get some sleep while he and his parents run a few last errands.

It’s like, for the very first time, every single part of me is in agreement on what it wants. Like I know what matters most… and I’m not worried about losing it.
