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I turn just as Axel, ruddy-cheeked and wild-haired, arrives with Otto. “Oh, hey. Thought that was you in the window.”

In the window? My eyes narrow.

He knew we were here. I told him myself.

Drake jerks his hand back from mine just in time to avoid the SnugRide coming down on the table between us.

“Axel? What are you doing here?” I ask, standing to unzip Otto’s Sherpa bunting. His baby blues meet mine, and he gives an eager flex in greeting. His mitten comes off and I kiss his bare hand.

“Decided to pick up some… umm… sushi from the place around the corner. Let O here get a change of scenery.” He shrugs, meets my eyes, and quickly looks away.


My blood starts to heat.

Drake nods. “Yeah, I imagine. Being stuck at home with one of these isn’t quite on par with the club scene, huh? All those girls.”

“It’s better,” Axel says flatly.

Oblivious, Drake reaches over to give Otto’s hand a shake.

Within a blink, Axel snaps a baby wipe out of the travel pack and cleans off Otto’s hand.

Oh, man. I have to cough to cover my laugh. But Drake doesn’t seem to notice.

“Well, good to see you again, Erikson. I’d ask you to join us, but—”

“Love to.” Axel slides into my side of the booth, pushing me in with his thigh. And then slinging his arm behind me. “Thanks, man.”

Oh, I’m going to kill him.

* * *


I’m apologizingbefore we even leave the restaurant.

I apologize on the Uber ride home, in the elevator, and again in the hall. But it isn’t until we’re inside the apartment, Otto laid in his crib and the door to his room half closed, that she whirls on me and, in finger-jabbing fury, demands to know what the hell I was thinking.

And that’s the problem.

“I wasn’t.” It’s the truth. “I… Hell, I kept telling myself you could go out with anyone you wanted. That it was probably better if you did. But then, I was bundling Otto up, explaining to him it was easier to cruise by and make sure you looked comfortable instead of doing the background check.”

“Background what?” Her hands fly up. “Axel, are you out of your mind?”

I rake a hand through my hair, leaning back against my side of the hallway. I’m spun up. Adrenaline pumping hard through my veins.

“Yes! I’m out of my fucking mind thinking about you out with some fuckwit. Seeing the way Drake was looking at you tonight?” I growl, giving my head a hard shake. “Seeing himtouchyou. I snapped.”

Her breath is ragged. “Why?”

I give her a slow shake of my head. “You know why.”

Because it already feels like she’s mine.

Our eyes meet, and like that, the air around us changes like it’s picked up the charge that forever seems to be sparking between us.

