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There’s a knock at the door, and when I check the peephole, I step back with a gasp. Then quickly swing it open, my hand going to my mouth in delight.

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Axel says from behind an enormous bouquet of long-stemmed red roses.

“You shouldn’t have.” My heart is stumbling around in my chest, swooning over this man romancing me. Or maybe it’s just Otto kicking away, making excited gurgling noises like he does whenever his daddy comes home.

“Couldn’t help it. Since you never had a boyfriend on the big day, I saw an opportunity.” He sets the vase down in the center of the dining room table near my laptop and schoolwork, turns to me, and grins. “I plan to set the bar so high, no fucking Frenchman is going to have a chance to compete.”

And before I can clarify that I’ve never actually had a boyfriend at all or that he’s already set the bar so high I’m not sure anyone, French or not, would have a chance to meet it, he’s ducking back into the hall. When he returns, he’s got an enormous heart-shaped box of chocolates wrapped in gold foil with a wide red bow and three other boxes of varying sizes. Nice ones. The kind where they tie dried flowers and little metal pins into the bows.

His smile is kid-on-Christmas-morning wide. Only the way he looks isn’t about getting something for himself; it’s because he’s so excited about the gifts he has for me, and my heart can barely take it.

“Gimme our little guy and sit down so you can open your stuff.”

I do what he says, unbuttoning the carrier and easing Otto out before sitting. My hands are shaking, and I look back to this crazy man beside me. “It’s too much—”

“It’s not. The chocolate is from Otto. He wanted to get you an even bigger box because you deserve all the sweetness and his love knows no bounds, but this was the best they had.”

I know Otto wasn’t involved in this over-the-top selection, but still, I reach over and squeeze his little leg. “Love you too.”

I open the chocolates, marveling at the assortment. Then, after sharing one shaped like a seashell with Axel, who leans in and kisses a bit of caramel off my lip, I set the box aside.

“The blue one next. Open that.”

He’s practically vibrating with excitement, and it’s contagious. I’ve never gotten so many gifts. With my family, there wasn’t money for this kind of extravagance. But like every kid, I dreamed that maybe one day…

I carefully open the box and lose my breath at the sight of the gown within. It’s red and silky, beautiful, sophisticated, and the label is one I never thought I’d wear in my life. I blink, touching the fabric reverently. “What’s this for?”

“I wanted to surprise you. There’s a benefit for the Wagner Foundation tonight. The guys always fight over who gets to go. It’s a black-tie thing. Great band, food, and bar. I usually give up my tickets to one of the married guys. But this year, I called in a few favors. I want to take you out. Do something big.”

“You want to take me on a date?” My heart is racing, my smile stretching wide. I can’t believe he did this for me.

“I’m taking you on ‘The Date.’ Brace yourself.”

“That good, huh?” Wait. “Is this why you bought Otto that tuxedo onesie?”

“Umm, no. I got that because it was too cute not to. Otto’s classy as all get-out. But tonight, Otto’s on his own, and you’re all mine. I’ve got a sitter lined up and everything.”

“A sitter?” I didn’t see anyone on the calendar from the agency.

“You remember Nettie from the bank. She’s been begging me to let her and her husband watch him.”

I do remember her. I liked her and I think she’s good friends with Wade Grady’s fiancée, Harlow, too.

“Sounds like you’ve thought of everything.”

“I was thinking of you.”

And then he shows me the shoes and breathtaking necklace to wear with the dress, and for a moment, I can’t believe it’s real.

A few hours later, I’m being swept around the dance floor on the arm of the most handsome, charming man in all the land. We dance— and he’s really,reallygood —drink champagne, and mingle.

Axel introduces me to everyone. He makes me a part of each conversation. And then we dance some more.

There seems to be some competition between Rux and him on who’s got the showiest moves, and Cammy and I can’t stop laughing.

For dinner, we’re seated with Greg and Julia, Rux and Cammy, and Hank Wagner and his extremely pregnant and completely amazing wife, Abby, who makes sure we’ve exchanged numbers before we say good night.

It’s unreal.
