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Pushing out of my chair, I take my mug and hers— which is shaped like a bomb with a capital letter F printed on it. I think I love this girl —over to the sink and wash them out. There’s a small window above it, looking down to Main Street where the flurries that started falling a while ago have left a fine dusting of white over the sidewalks, cars, and road below. “The plane’s fine. Just so long as I’m not sitting in the hotel bar alone.”

That’s rough and an experience I’d rather not repeat.

She comes to stand beside me, her back to the counter, slender hands tucked into the front pockets of her jeans. “No family for either of you?”

“Diesel’s not close to his and mine is all gone, so when he mentioned Vegas, I was like, ‘Hell, yes. Count me in.’”


I can hear the concern in her voice, and man, it’s not what I want, so I keep it as concise as possible. “Lost my parents a few years ago in a boating accident.”

“Noel, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s been a long time, but thank you.”

“No other family?” When I shake my head, she sighs. “The holidays must be really tough.”

I don’t usually talk about this stuff, but for some reason, standing here beside Misty, I don’t mind.

“Hey, you’re a sweetheart, but don’t worry about me. Most of the year I’m good. And all the Christmas season festivities leading up to the big day are hella fun. I love Christmas parties, rock the ugly sweater, and have a blast buying gifts for my friends. Oh, and the cookies.” I hum and nod. “Give. Me. The. Cookies.”

She gives up another one of those musical laughs. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. It’s all good. It’s just that part where everyone starts to peel off, heading home to their families, that gets a little rough.” It gets lonely. It gets sad. “Fast forward through all that, and the holidays are awesome.”

“That what you’re doing with Diesel?”

“Hoping to.”

“I can see it.” She squints at me. “Two pro-hockey hunks on the loose in Sin City. I’m betting there isn’t any shortage of girls looking to keep you company until tomorrow comes.”

I feign shock. “When I’m freshly engaged to you? Not a chance.”

“Sure thing,ladies’ man.”

I could correct her, but why when I’m leaving any minute? Or I hope I am. Where the hell is he?

Misty leans in to bump me with her shoulder.

“What’s it like there at Christmas?”

I set the mugs on the drying rack. “I’m betting it’s a lot like Vegas any other day of the year. But maybe with a fuck-ton of over-the-top decorations.” And then, because I’m pretty sure she’d be disappointed if I didn’t, I add, “Come with and see for yourself.”

There’s that smile again.

“I would, seeing as how we’reengagedand all, but—”

“Family. Holidays. Totally get it. It’s not me. It’s all that.”

Her eyes are pretty when she rolls them, but they’re even prettier when they meet mine and hold, stirring something inside me I don’t—

It doesn’t matter.

I’m not staying. I barely know this girl. But, damn, there’s something about her that won’t let me look away.

At least not until her phone rings, and even then, she’s the one to do it. But only after a beat of hesitation that shouldn’t be nearly as satisfying as it is.

“Hey, where are you guys?”
