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I stop myself before I ramble too obviously.

Dad and Pam, my new stepmom, find this much more enjoyable than my brothers do, sharing a few lighthearted comments about their whirlwind romance and not wanting local media attention or for anyone to fuss over their wedding.

Time to drop the bomb, and make sure the guys understand my predicament. “Don’t worry, Dad, I’ll be sure to teach my brothers all about beingthe mayor’ssons, and all of the rules and expectations we have to adhere to if you’re going to maintain an honorable reputation. Growing up in the spotlight is one thing. Getting thrust into it might be tricky.”

Halt that ramble. I take a breath.

“That’s so kind of you, Aria,” Pam says. “My boys are darlings. I’m sure they’ll behave, but sadly enough their father left when they were young. They aren’t just new to being in the public eye, the simple idea of having a father in their life will be all new territory.”

Sebastian speaks up. “Whew. Craziness right, guys.” He nudges Vance and then jerks his chin up toward Klayton.

The four of us could use a minute. Good thing I learned to maintain a straight face while thinking on my feet.

“Hey dad…and mom,” I say sweetly. “Would you mind if I took my brothers—isn’t that cool, I have brothers—onto the deck so we can process this whole secret relationship thing?”

My dad answers, “That’s a great idea, Aria. The better you all get along, the easier this will be. I’m sure the gossip rag has already started rumors that it’s a fake marriage to make me look more appealing. You know, I have an actual opponent this year.”

“It would have been less of a shocker if you’d made a few appearances before getting married.” I don’t know what to do other than state the obvious.

“Pam and I decided to keep it out of the public eye until we were sure, but by then we decided to take the plunge, and leave no doubt that we were serious. It’s hard catering to public expectations. Sometimes you have to trust your heart.”

I could have him eating those words in five seconds flat but now’s not the time.

Pam adds, “I can see how we might have behaved a bit rashly, but when you know, you know.”

“I’m so happy for you. I’ll take my brothers outside.” The promise of relief gives me the fortitude to stand. I turn to the front of the house, but my dad catches my arm firmly. Did I say something? Did I give myself away? Panic races through me.

“Why don’t you use the back deck.”

“This time of day I like the—”

“Use the back deck, please.” He puts on his stoic politician façade. “Some of our neighbors have been…hmm, how should I phrase this?” He rubs his chin. It’s a stall tactic. “I’ve seen some questionable behavior.”

The room is silent. A few of the secrets I’m keeping are about a few of our neighbors, but if Dad’s seen something, maybe they’re not secrets anymore.

“I might as well come out with it, we’re all adults.” He laughs. “We’re family. I can speak freely here. I’ve seen some of our neighborhood residents associating in unorthodox ways…outside, no less. It seems some local young ladies are associating with more than one man at a time, and with older men. I don’t want any of you to get the wrong impression about our community.”

Pam blushes and puts a hand over her mouth. We all watch as she seems ready to bust. “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. Even as a single mom, I’ve raised you boys better than some people are raising their kids these days. I’ve seen it twice across the lake where a young lady has the favor of two men, just like Theo said. Kissing them on the lips. Trust me boys, Theo is nothing like that.”

Sebastian coughs and claps a fist to his chest.

Oh. My. God. I want to crawl in a hole.

“Why don’t we move this to the back deck.” Klayton takes control. Vance continues to look ill, and won’t even meet my eye. And Sebastian, while he can’t seem to decide whether his hands should be in his pockets or not, seems to stifle a smile the whole time.

Excusing myself quickly, I lead the way.

The back deck surrounds our pool, and is private, but gets more of the morning sun so it’s a little hotter, and I’m already overheated.

Beelining for the drink fridge, I grab water for everyone and take a giant swig of mine. It will give Sebastian something to do with his hands and hopefully keep Vance from passing out. He was all bravado at the bar, but in front of our parents, he’s a different person.

Moving to the far end of the deck, that’s least visible from the living room and our parents’ potentially prying eyes, we sit around a table.

Vance surprises me by speaking first. “What the hell just happened?”

Grumbles of disbelief come from all of us.

“Your dad’s the mayor?” Klay asks.
