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“And you’re going to teach us how to behave properly? This ought to be good?” Sebastian lets loose with what’s been humoring him.

“Trust me. I’m as freaked out by this as you guys. I found out right before you arrived. What do we do?”

Klayton goes first, “It’s not like we’re actual family so technically we’re not doing anything wrong.”

Sebastian adds, “But did you see her dad struggling with how to bring up what he saw the neighbors doing? I would have thought they were fucking on the lawn, not kissing on the lips.”

Klayton leans closer to me and lowers his voice. “What if they saw a woman kiss three men? And what if their lips weren’t on her—”

“Stop.” I glance toward the windows. “I get it. If my dad had pearls he’d be clutching them.”

“Our mom actually does that,” Sebastian says, making us all laugh.

“He means well, but now you see…I wasn’t joking about how I was raised.”

Vance looks better. “Princess, we never doubted you. We just have to figure out how to make this work.”

“We can’t.” I’m blunt.

He rests his elbows on the table and rubs his finger over his lips. A sly smile has me wondering what he’s thinking. He inhales deeply. “I’m already addicted.”

Those warm, swirly feelings wash through me again, along with a hint of mortification. “You’re only supposed to be here for the weekend. My fantasy fling.”

Klayton slams his fist on the table, pushes his chair away, then paces.

Sebastian grimaces then says playfully, “Is that all we are to you? Toys to be discarded.”

Vance is more serious. “I wasn’t joking. I said we’re going slow because I plan for a lot more than a weekend with you.”

He did, and I’d agreed. “It’s complicated now.”

Klayton steps back to the table, balling his fists against the glass, leaning onto them as his eyes bore into me. Even in a V-neck t-shirt, fitted of course, he’s commanding and powerful. My growing need for an orgasm is shoving the other pressing issues out of the way.

He asks, “Are you good on your word, Aria?”

I flinch. “Yeah, of course.”

“Then we get the weekend to win you over.”

Agreement and comments about him being a genius come from his brothers but I can’t get past the last part of his statement.

“Win me over?” I wave my hands. “It’s Sunday morning, there’s hardly any weekend left.”

Vance joins in. “I don’t like this, but I’ll do it for you, Princess. If tomorrow morning comes around and you can honestly say we’re just your stepbrothers, that’s what we’ll be.”

The most terrifying part of his proposition is that I’m pretty sure he knows they’ve already won me over. Even after intermittent sleep, I can’t make sense of how I could fall for them so quickly. Even if they’re perfect, I don’t see a way for this to work.

“Will you respect whatever decision I make?”

“Will you give us a fair shot?” Sebastian asks.

“Hey, boys, and daughter. I love that.” Pam calls from the doorway. “Sorry to interrupt, anyway. Theo and I have a lunch thing in town. We’re hoping you’ll come with us so we can show off the new family.”

Vance says, “Aria’s still explaining what to expect. Any chance there’s an event Monday we could make our debut at when we’re better versed in expectations?”

“Monday? Aren’t you heading home this evening boys?”

Klayton answers. “We got talking yesterday, had a sneaking suspicion we were going to want more time here than a single day, so we moved our flights back.”
