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“I don’t—"

“Back off, big boy. My dad’s not the only one who scares guys away from me.”

“For good reason. Every dude in this bar would love to get a piece of you.”

“Every guy?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

He shrugs. “You’re a very innocent and pretty young lady. I’d hate to see you with someone who doesn’t deserve you.”

Innocent? Pretty? Deserve me? No one’s ever said those things to me, and I’m not so sure the first one is a good thing. In fact, it annoys me. If I’m so pretty and deserve-able, why doesn’t anyone ask me out?

“I appreciate you watching out for me, but I’ve been watched my whole life. Look the other way tonight, please.” I draw the last word out.

He nods. “We’ll be here if you need us.”

I grab my new Cinderella drink and weave my way through the bar to find the stranger. I’ve flirted with guys in my mind a million times. Tonight, I’m going to put all of that practice to work.

My heart stops. He’s in a booth typing on his phone. I bump my way past the few people between us.

A step away from the table, it hits me that he’s in a booth, which probably means he’s expecting others. It could be anyone, not necessarily a girlfriend. He’s not wearing a ring.

Do I make a bold move and just sit, or should I ask if I can? I’m about to completely chicken out when his eyes lift to mine. My mind goes blank.

“I’m Vance.”

Introductions, perfect, I can handle that. “Nice to meet you. I’m Aria.”

His gaze narrows and darts behind me. I follow it. Torch is still staring. I give him a knock-it-off glare then turn back to the stranger.

“Are you with him?”

“Torch? No. He’s a friend.”

“That’s a relief. I was just looking up how to take down a biker who’s twice my size, and the odds aren’t in my favor.”

I bust out laughing. When’s the last time someone made me laugh like that? Torch is hardly twice this guy’s size, but he is bigger.

Vance motions for me to join him. I don’t have to question when the last time that happened is. The answer is never. Tonight, I’m turning over a new leaf and going after what I want.

“You look like you could hold your own.” I’ve had ample time to study the way his broad shoulders fill out his dress shirt. His chest muscles are doing a fine job too. The disappointment is that I can’t see his abs, which I presume means they’re nice and lean. Am I feeling bold enough to hope that I’ll go that far?


He scoots closer. “I’d rather hold you…Is that too cheesy?”

My momentary surprise turns to laughter. I’m trapped in his gaze. One night with a man like him could change everything, but my heart’s fluttery. One-night stands aren’t supposed to involve flutters.

My dang lack of dating has me thinking I’ve found my knight in shining armor, when all I really want is a naked guy in my bed. I need to play this cool.

His pinky finger brushes against mine. When did I set my drink down? My heartbeat escalates. I’ve taken enough pulses to know my ticker’s getting a workout. And while I’d like to blurt out that I’m down with bathroom sex, I’m not sure I am. I’m not ready to throw away every inhibition.

I swallow the saliva I’m trying not to call drool, take a deep breath, and calm myself. Talking is acceptable and it will give me a chance to find out if he has ulterior motives, like the few guys I went on dates with only to figure out they were more interested in getting to my father.

“Are you local? I don’t recognize you.”

“No, flew in this afternoon.” His low voice and the gentle brush of his finger make it hard to think.

“What for?” My awkward tone, as if there’s no reason to come to Peach Bottom Valley, makes both of us laugh.
