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“I could give you another cheesy line about seeing all of the beautiful sights, but seriously, my mom asked me and my brothers to fly in for a day. Not sure why since she doesn’t live here. I guess it’s her way of insisting we have a family vacation.”

“You flew in for your mom? That’s so sweet.” A pang of jealousy does something weird to my heart. I detour my thoughts away from moms. Are Vance’s brothers as attractive as him? That’s hardly an acceptable detour. Vance is more than enough for me, but I’m still curious.

“We don’t see her nearly enough with our busy schedules, so we took time off. She raised us three boys on her own.”

“My dad raised me on his own.” Damn it, I’m back to my normal self,andI’m going to cry if we talk about moms. Mine passed away before I was old enough to have memories of her. My dad closed himself off, feared the pain of another potential heartache, and never dated again. I need a way out. A way to breathe.

I motion to the extra space in the booth. “You’re expecting your brothers? I should go.”

He grabs my hand and a shot of adrenaline jolts my heart to full speed. “Don’t leave.” Leaning closer to my ear he whispers, “Princess.”

The nickname I’d grumbled about sounds so different from his lips. This is the way itshouldsound, but there’s a bigger issue.

I mentally hem and haw over how awkward it will be once his brothers show up. Hanging out with the guys isn’t what I was going for…well, it could be. I chuckle. I wouldn’t be the first of my friends to have more than one guy. But I’m ahead of myself.

“Are you single?” As the question falls from my mouth, all I can think is…fabulous. No subtlety. No finesse. So much for all of my mental flirting practice?

His grin, his dimple, and his hand cupping over mine have me smitten. Then he tightens his grip on my heart. “Call me old-fashioned, but I wouldn’t have invited you to sit with me, or tested to see if you were fine with me holding your hand if I wasn’t single.”

Isn’t it ironic that this simple, normal interaction feels so wild? Will it change if he finds out I’m the mayor’s daughter? I like beingmewithout all of the rules and expectations.

He continues, “And I’m not comfortable with other guys calling you princess.” The seriousness in his expression makes the knot low in my belly tighten.

He must have overheard Torch or Mammoth. They better not ruin this. “I don’t like them calling me that but—”

“By the end of the night, I’ll prove that you’re mine, Princess.” The possessiveness and confidence in his tone flood my body with warmth and my sex with urgency.

“Is that another pickup line?”

“No. It’s my game plan.” He leans in, kisses my cheek, and before I can process any of it, he continues, “I’ll let them know they need to find a new nickname for you.”

The vision that plays out in my mind doesn’t go well. “They don’t mean anything by it. We go way back. I’m…” Crud, how do I explain this without revealing I’m the mayor’s daughter? I don’t want to be someone’s daughter. I want to be me. “It’s silly. I’ll explain the nickname another time.”

One side of his smile quirks up. “Already agreeing to see me again, Princess?”

“Right, you’re only going to be here for the weekend.”

“I run my own business. I could stay longer.”

“Really?” I’ve already let him hoist me onto his white horse and we’re riding into the sunset. This is dangerous. My heart’s too involved even if we shift this from a one-night stand to a vacation fling. No matter what he says, I’ve heard from friends how this plays out. “I mean, you really run your own business?”

“Yeah.” His hand lifts from mine and brushes over my cheek. “But I don’t want to talk about work.”

“Me either.” Which leaves us where? My brain is flatlining.

He moves his thumb onto my lips. “Would you mind if I kissed you here?”

“No.” I barely hear my own answer as my lips open on his thumb before he pulls it away and leans in.

His scent is sophistication and luxury. It infiltrates my being. His lips part and I can’t breathe anymore. I wait, like a sleeping princess, for him to wake me with a kiss. For him to scoop me up and carry me to his castle. For—

His lips press gently onto mine. Then again. A dam breaks inside of me. I’m flooded with emotions. Flooded with need. Flooded my panties…oh my.

I meet him kiss for kiss, allowing his tongue into my mouth. He’s making me his, and it feels so natural. He’s taking things from me I’ve never given anyone else. Then his hands wrap around my head and I’m lost.

My need grows stronger and stronger. I’m squirming to get closer. My core aches.

“Hold on, Princess.” His breath warms my lips but I already miss the pressure.
