Page 35 of The Island

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“Man flu, I know. It’s truly tragic.” She rolled her eyes and took a sip of coffee.

The sound of a vehicle pulling into the driveway caught her ear. Soon after, there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get that,” Bradford said.

“Thanks. I’m not sure I can stand.” Her legs were stiff, and her back ached. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d done so much physical work. She’d spent the day sanding and knocking down walls, digging holes in the garden and mixing concrete.

She knew she should leave the hard work for the labourers she’d hired, but there was something so satisfying about getting out there and putting her own strength to the test. She had to work out some of the frustrations that’d been building inside her in recent weeks, and this seemed like the perfect way. Although now she was paying for it.

Bradford poked his head out the door. “I’m going to town to pick up dinner, but you have a visitor.”

When Aidan stepped through the doorway and onto the deck in a pair of dark jeans and a freshly ironed button-down shirt with an open jacket, his hair neatly combed back from his face, she startled. She was a complete mess. The embarrassment at being caught in her work clothes and covered in dirt, dust and grime from head to toe washed over her. She hated to think what her hair looked like. And the overalls she’d sported all day weren’t exactly flattering.

“Oh, hi,” she said, her cheeks flushing.

He bent to kiss her cheek, and she found herself stammering. “I wasn’t expecting you. Was I? Did we have plans? I must’ve forgotten.”

He laughed. “No, we don’t have any plans. But I ran into Evie, and she said you were driving over to the Blue Shoal Inn for dinner with Taya and Penny. So, I thought I’d offer to take you. The road is pretty bad. We’ve had some rain recently, and they haven’t fixed it yet. We can take my four-wheel drive, if you like.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “Wow, that’s so kind of you. Yes, I’d love that. I haven’t bought myself a car yet, so that would be great. Thank you for thinking of me.”

“Good. I’m glad to help.”

“I wish I could ask you to stay for a meal, but I’m afraid it’s not up to me. Taya and Evie organised it between the two of them.”

“Not a problem. I have a meeting over that way, so I couldn’t eat with you anyway.”


“I’m investing in a new property they’re building nearby. Something small, only a half dozen units, but I need to meet with the developer.”

“Wow, that sounds like an amazing project. Just alittlebigger than my beach cottage.”

He laughed. “I guess so, although I’m impressed with what you’re doing. The cottage will be amazing after you’re done, if you manage everything you’ve told me you’re planning.”

“So far, so good,” she replied. “Can I get you a beer?”

“Thanks. That would be great.”

She tried to stand and fell back into her chair with a grimace. “Give me a minute. I’m a little stiff after today.”

He jumped to his feet. “Stay where you are. I can find the fridge.”

He was back in a moment with a cold beer in one hand and a bowl of pretzels in the other. “I found these in the cupboard, too. I hope that’s okay.”

She grabbed a handful as he set it on the table and ate them ravenously. “That’s perfect. I’m starving. I forgot to pack myself a lunch with everything else that’s been going on. At the rate I’m going, I’ll lose ten kilograms before this renovation is over.”

He laughed. “You certainly don’t need to.”

She cocked her head to one side. “Now, that’s dishonest. But seriously — there’s a decided lack of food in this house, and I’m spending all day working physically. I’ve never really done that before. Unless you count chasing after toddlers all day and doing housework. Still, the busiest time of my life was almost two decades ago now. I rarely do anything more difficult than a day in the garden or a workout at the gym. It’s embarrassing to admit.” She gulped a mouthful of coffee to wash down the pretzels.

“I know what you mean. I used to be so fit, playing football and training every day. Now, I spend far too much time on my computer or making phone calls. My life is very different these days.”

She wondered how buff he must’ve been before. She couldn’t imagine how much more chiselled he could be.

“How long will you stay with your dad?” he asked, munching on a pretzel.

“I don’t know. As soon as the cottage is habitable, I’ll move down there. I can’t wait, actually. It’s going to be gorgeous. And I’ll be close enough to see Dad whenever I like. We’re thinking of getting some two-way radios.”
