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Two weeks later, Aubrey signed the marriage documents then walked down the hall toward the reception a few steps behind her new husband. The whole situation felt surreal, down to the palace that would now be her home. Like most of the buildings in Rihamel, the palace was centuries old, and she could feel the vibrations of all the people who had come before her in the walls. It had stories to tell her.

Stories she’d be more willing to explore when she wasn’t so shell-shocked.

The white stone rose over several large water structures and gardens, all of which gleamed, night and day. The grounds were expansive, with room for smaller storage buildings and more houses for the royal family. And the inside…

Well, the inside was breathtaking. Bursts of colors from rugs and tapestries. Paintings and statues that had to cost millions. The mere idea that she would be living so close to them was mind-boggling.

Luckily, she’d met Jarah’s family several times over the last few days, so at least she was prepared for the bright smiles on their faces, a few of them clearly not genuine. Even Gwen was trying to be happy for her, although she’d expressed her concern every chance she got.

Was the family vineyard worth it?

Aubrey had only nodded and assured her that she knew exactly what she was doing, but when she was alone, she repeated the question to herself.

It wasn’t just the vineyard. It was also for the protection of her child.

The only one actually scowling was Hysani. He didn’t approve of the lie they were spreading, that they’d been dating in secret and were in love.

Hysani, as kind as he was to try and protect her, was the least of her worries. The Ramzi family was large, impressive, and downright intimidating. Zev, the youngest son, had flown back upon receiving strict orders to attend the wedding. Aubrey already knew that the family didn’t approve of his modeling career, but he was popular around the world and a source of great pride for most of the kingdom. The pictures she’d seen didn’t do him justice. He had that wicked, carefree smile that told the world he knew just how he affected it, and he knew that he was protected by his name.

It was almost annoying to be around him, but he’d welcomed her with open arms, and she appreciated that.

The twins were also welcoming, although they were far more curious about the woman their brother had been secretly dating. Aubrey had tried to point out that Callista might suspect they were lying since Aubrey and Callista had met several times before, but Jarah merely stated that his sister paid attention to little outside her work.

He was right. Callista asked a few questions and was satisfied, but Asha continued to pry. She, it seemed, was a sucker for love.

She wasn’t the only one asking. Mikal, the middle son, was a deeply suspicious man. Aubrey didn’t know why Jarah even bothered to lie to him. It was clear the man wasn’t buying it, and when he set his gaze on Aubrey, she realized that he wasn’t suspicious of Jarah.

He was suspicious of her.

Thankfully, the elders of the family, Cyril, Silaah, and Silaah’s wife Bibi, were warm and welcoming. His mother, Nura, had even lent Aubrey some of her jewelry to for the wedding. The blue gems hung heavy on her neck, a reminder of the powerful family she’d married into.

As they reached the doors of the palace’s ballroom, Jarah suddenly stopped and turned to her. Surprised, she bumped into him. He reached out to steady her.

“Sorry,” she muttered as she looked down. Then, annoyed at her own actions, she raised her chin. They were married. She wasn’t going to shy away from her husband.

“I meant to tell you before we went in there that your roommate finished packing the rest of your items. They’ll be delivered to my suite by the time the reception is over.”

Eyes wide, she blushed then nodded. Of course they would be living together. She hadn’t even thought about it until now, and he’d never mentioned it. Over the course of the last week, they hadn’t had much time to talk. If they were together, they were in front of his family; if they were apart, he communicated only with quick texts.

All telling her where to be and when.

“Are you ready?”

Jarah had already turned back to the door. She tried to tell him that she needed another minute, but the words were stuck in her throat. In a moment of panic, she was rooted to the floor, unable to take another step.

It was silly, of course. They were already married. Not going into the reception wouldn’t change anything, but she simply couldn’t move.

“Aubrey.” Jarah moved swiftly, pulled her to the side, breaking her out of her trance. “You’re not breathing. Breathe.”


Feeling faint, she sucked in a deep breath. He settled a hand over her stomach, as if he could already feel the baby growing inside her. “That’s it. Another deep breath.”

Aubrey obeyed, and the panic subsided a little. “Sorry,” she muttered and wondered just how long she would be apologizing to him. “I need a moment.”

“The contract is signed. There is no going back.”
