Page 19 of Secrets

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She barely registered the movement across the mattress when she felt his fingers brush across her own. Her heart picked up pace, and she swallowed down the urge to lace her fingers with his.

His leg rubbed against hers and instead of pulling back, she pressed hers up against his and moved it slightly. Chills ran down her left side as her right side continued to warm up with him being so close. Their fingers slowly moved against one another until they ended up hooking pinkies.

They weren’t holding hands, just pinkies. It felt big though.

It felt like it meant so much more.

Fifteen YearsEarlier - Age 17

He madea face at her as he sat down across the table, and she made a face in return. It was the same every year between their birthdays. The families met in the middle for a double celebration. They were born days apart, so they were used to being around one another, especially this time of year.

Even amongst school and extracurricular activities, they made time for this day. His mom picked up balloons, and hers picked up the little cake with two candles. It didn’t matter how many candles there should be, there was always one for each of them. She’d always made a wish and wondered if he did too.

“Tabitha, are you ready for graduation?” Archie's dad spoke at the end of the table next to her own dad.

“As soon as I hear back from colleges, I will be.” She laughed.

That was the only stressful part of her life. That and wondering if she would be going to prom alone again next month.

“I had an idea for prom.” Archie started across from her. “It’s the last one. Let’s go together. With our friends, I mean. A big group. All fun and no stress.”

It wasn’t exactly what she was expecting him to say. She wouldn’t admit it out loud, that she sort of wanted to go with him. This would be the next best thing.

“Sure, that sounds like a great idea.” She smiled before reaching across the table for chips and salsa.

His foot nudged hers under the table, and she looked up to see him making another face. They ignored the rest of the table. The parents and grandparents talking about whatever was happening lately while Tabitha and Archie stayed in their own little world.

They might as well have been sitting at a different table. Then his foot brushed against hers again. Her eyes narrowed on him as he smirked. Was he trying to play footsie?

When his foot moved against hers again and then up part of the way to her knee, she realized exactly what he was doing. She just didn’t know why. So she moved her foot against his and up the inside of his leg.

Their eyes remained on one another, and she watched as his nostrils flared and his chest rose. She licked her lips. They continued to move one foot and leg against the other. As if they could get closer and wrap around one another.

Tabitha reached for her water and chugged it before pulling her leg back. The cool liquid did nothing to hide the flush across her chest and up her neck.

Was it possible her secret feelings weren’t one-sided? Why else would he do something like this? The questions barely entered her mind when he pulled his leg back. Had she imagined it?

It didn’t help that there was a moment at her birthday last year where she thought he might see her as more than a friend. She remembered how his fingers brushed across her butt before they were pressed against one another during an interesting game of hide and seek.

She shook her head. It had to be all in her head. Of course, he didn’t see her as more than a friend.

He would have said something by now. They didn’t keep secrets from each other. Even though she was keeping a big one from him and had been for a couple of years. It was just too risky. He meant too much to risk their friendship.

She’d rather have him in her life as a friend than not at all. It was going to be bad enough when she went away to college. When he told her last month he wasn’t going, she couldn’t believe it. They’d made plans to hang out in each other’s dorm rooms and everything.

He chose the military instead. It shouldn’t have been a surprise. It was what everyone else in his family did before joining the club. Tabitha thought if he went to college with her, he wouldn’t join.

Not that Heathens MC got into too much mischief, but she knew things went down. She’d witnessed Archie’s mom speak in hushed tones to her mom with worry in her eyes.

Tabitha didn’t want to think about how the next few years would change things. She knew they’d grow apart, and she hated it. He was her best friend, and they were about to experience completely different lives.

What if she met someone?

What if he met someone?

It would only push them further apart and the thought hurt.

