Page 24 of Secrets

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His hands moved to her hair. “I forgot how soft it was.” He wrapped a soft curl around his finger. Her eyes closed at his touch.

Years had gone by, but one thing remained the same.

That instant comfort in one another.

That feeling of home.



Tabitha jumped up in delight as the ball went into the pocket. Her head was a little jumbled after her three rum and cokes, but she always played the best pool when she was buzzed.

“Has he seen that?” James chuckled behind her.

She looked over her shoulder to see him looking at her ass. “What?”

“What made you get his initials?” He smiled as he walked around the pool table.

“It’s just a flower.” He’d seen her tattoo. She reached back to make sure it was covered. Her shirt must have lifted when she leaned over.

“Uh, huh.” He leaned over, but his eyes held a sign of mischief. “I’ve never seen letters in a flower before.”

“It must have been the light, it’s just swirls inside of it.” It was a lie, the lie she told anyone whoever asked.

She never thought she would get another tattoo. The hummingbird had been the only one she ever wanted. Until she found out her best friend was married and didn’t tell her. Until they grew apart and she thought they’d never be around one another again. It was like her great grandmother, something to remember him by.

It wasn’t like she saw either of her tattoos. She’d often forget they were there unless someone brought them up. And she certainly hadn’t thought Archie would ever see it. Her ex never even brought it up. He commented on the flower when she first got it, but never looked close enough.

He never paid attention.

“Whatever you say, Tab.” James laughed.

She ignored him as she went to sink another ball and missed. “I’m done with this game.”

It wasn’t that she was a sore loser. It was that she didn’t want to talk about it. She didn’t feel like talking or even feeling. Drinking was the only thing that sounded ideal as she made her way to the bar.

“How many have you had?” Lee hesitated as he reached for the rum.

“Three, dad.” She scrunched her nose up at the man. He wasn’t her dad, he was Archie’s dad. She liked to tease him when he acted all fatherly though.

He shook his head and poured her another. “Last one.”

“Thank you.” She smiled as she reached for the cup.

Tabitha turned around and carried her drink over to the dart board, where Archie was erasing the score.

“Fancy a game?” She leaned against the back of the chair before sitting her cup down on the table.

He chuckled as he looked over his shoulder. “I heard you’re not finishing games tonight.”

She scoffed. “I will if you don’t bring up anything serious. I just want to have fun for one night. Tomorrow we can worry, tonight we play.”

“Alright, but let’s turn it into an actual game.” He passed her a few darts.

She rubbed her finger along the edge of them. “What did you have in mind?”

“Every direct bullseye is the chance for truth or dare.” His eyes practically twinkled.

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