Page 25 of Secrets

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Her lips pursed as she thought it over. It didn’t have to be serious questions, and they could be silly dares. It could be fun.

“Don’t overthink it.” He laughed.

“You’re on.” She took a sip of her drink.

“Ladies first.” He stepped next to her and waited.

Direct hit. “Truth or dare?” She looked up at him.


“Did you really miss me?”

He rubbed at the back of his neck and she watched as his biceps flexed against the thin dark material of his shirt. “Of course.”

After missing the next two, he was up, and of course hit the center.

“Truth or dare?”

She set her cup down. “Truth.”

“What’s the tattoo?”

“A sunflower.” She didn’t miss a beat.

“Your favorite.”

“Uh, huh.” Of course, he remembered.

He hit the center again. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” Why not mix things up?

“Alright.” He looked like he was thinking it over. “I dare you to find your happy again.”

“What?” What kind of dare was that?

“I know it won’t happen tonight. It may not even happen soon.” He smiled down at her. “I just want you to find it again. Don’t worry about the impressions or opinions of others. Find that happiness that soothes your soul and reminds you of hope.”

She swallowed. “I’m done playing.”

Tabitha grabbed her cup, gulped down the rest of it, then left to go back upstairs. It was supposed to be a fun game, a distraction. It wasn’t supposed to remind her that her life was shit. Maybe not all of it, but it definitely wasn’t going according to plan.

“Tabitha.” Archie reached for her in the middle of the stairs.

She twisted and looked down at his hand on her wrist. “I’m tired.”

“Okay.” He let go, and she turned around to continue her path up. “Wait, what is that?”

Her feet picked up the pace until she was in the bedroom. She ignored him as he called after her. She shut and locked herself in the bathroom and turned on the shower.

He wasn’t supposed to know. It would ruin things if he found out. Even if she wanted more, it couldn’t happen. They were supposed to be friends.

Just friends.


