Page 47 of Secrets

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She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Archie be seated on the other side of the restaurant. This was going to be weird. She didn’t want it to be. They weren’t exactly friends right now. They were keeping things professional… now.

“I’m really glad we’re doing this.” He smiled as he picked up the menu. “I remember you saying you were a dessert girl, and this place is known for their sweets.”

“Oh, wow.” She licked her lips. “I definitely have a major sweet tooth. I can’t believe you flew all this way just to take me on a date.”

“You’re worth it.” He smiled, dimples showing clearly on his cheeks. “I booked a room at that place you were always raving about.” He paused. “Fandom Inn”

Her eyes grew. “You are going to love it. I’ve only stayed in a couple of the rooms, but I love how they’re all themed differently.”

“Yeah! I’m in a Doctor Who one. It’s like I’m inside the Tardis.” He laughed.

“I haven’t seen that one yet! I’ve stayed in a Star Trek one, Iron Man, Hufflepuff, and a Firefly one.”

“I remember you posting about the Firefly one a couple of months ago. It’s been on my bucket list since then to come and check it all out.” He glanced down at the menu. “You’ll have to come and check it out if you want. We could even do a Doctor and his companion reel or something.”

“Or her.” She peeked up at him from her menu. “The current Doctor is a woman.”

He laughed as he looked up at her. “I’m game for whatever. I’ll be here for three nights. I’m talking to the manager right now about checking out some of the other available rooms to make content.”

“You definitely should! They’d love the extra promotion, I’m sure.”

The waiter came and took their orders. He ordered a steak, and she went for a shrimp pasta dish. Their conversation flowed easily, mostly talking about content ideas and discussing the new Marvel movie coming out soon. It wasn’t deep, more light and fun. It was a nice change of pace.

After sharing the dessert sampler, he asked if she wanted to go on another date tomorrow during the day and she said yes. A simple lunch at the skating rink that had mini golf in the back. It would be fun.


“How was your date?”Archie scoffed.

She closed the door and locked it. “You were watching.” She stepped further into the living room and sat down on the oversize sectional. It was nice and cool in the house, so she grabbed the fluffy blanket off the back and pulled it over her.

“When did you get a blanket that looks like a tortilla?” He sat down next to her.

“I like to wrap up like a burrito.” She laughed as she reached for the remote. “And my date was nice. Thanks for asking.”

He grunted and leaned back. “What are we watching?”

“I’m going to watch Jurassic World and you can watch with me if you shut up.” She curled deeper under her blanket.

“No talking during the movie?”

“Shhh.” She pushed play, then got situated under her blanket again.

He raised his hands in surrender and turned his attention to the large television. She knew it was a ridiculous size, but she liked treating her movie nights like a theater. One day, she hoped she could convert a room into her own personal theater. A large projection screen with multiple seats for family and friends. A back wall stocked as her personal concession stand with a popcorn machine, candy, and drinks.

It was silly, but she was a homebody.

Her eyes grew heavy while watching the movie. She’d already seen it a couple of times, but it was one of those she could easily rewatch. She kicked her shoes off and curled up.

At some point during the movie, she’d gotten closer to Archie and snuggled into his side. That last thing she remembered was his arm settling around her as she sank further into this comforting spot.



She wokeup warm and her eyes blinked open as she took in her surroundings. Archie was lying on the couch next to her, she was halfway sprawled on his body. She was scared to move and wake him.

He looked peaceful, like this, content. She couldn’t help but stare at him for another minute. He shifted slightly in his sleep, his arm moving to hold her leg that was resting on him.
