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“I didn’t give her a choice,” I fume, feeling callous. “I ran and never looked back.”

Lillian had saved me but also scarred me. The humor of it all not lost on me.

The memory of my mother holding the remains of a broken table lamp high above her arms. Panting standing in her nightgown. The man passed out on my floor. Eyes glazed over. The sound of metal and glass rings in my ears, even now. It shattering to the ground along with him.

She rescued me but I wasn’t truly free until the next day. Lillian didn’t hesitate, taking the money, knowing the damage already done.

I’d never had a father and after that, I no longer needed a mother. I had myself and that was enough.

Finn’s expression sours. “How did you survive?”

They all watch me, waiting for an explanation. Not even Cole had an answer for that.

“I did what I needed to do,” I choke out, my voice growing bitter.

Harsh lines form around Abram’s cheeks as his brows pinch together. “That diner, that’s why’d we found you there,” he says as it all clicks together.

My shoulders contract, expression blank. “It’s true.”

I hadn’t seen or heard from Lillian after that day. Having no idea what she was doing with her life until that lady tracked me down. Telling me she was dead and that I’d be living with Abram.

“Is that why you wanted a job here too? A backup plan in case it didn’t work out?” Iceman’s concerned eyes holding me captive as his lip twitches.

The edge of my mouth curves slightly. I wasn’t sure if it was in sadness or amusement. Cole putting the pieces together yet again. Keeping his expression guarded.

He was doing a good job of covering his fury, but I could tell he wanted to hit something. Cole had the natural build of a fighter. His posture on edge, rigid. Stance primitive. Also, his fingers kept spasming at his sides, not a lot, but every so often.

Finally, Abram asks the one question that I’d been dreading the most.

“Is it true?”

My stomach dips as I look past them.

“Where you… did that…” He doesn’t finish, unable to say the word.

A sad chuckle leaves my lips and his face falls. Matching everyone else’s but I focus on Abram’s. Not being able to stomach seeing the vehement stare I knew Cole was giving off. It was directed at me, but not for me. Still, it wouldn’t have felt any less patronizing.

“Assaulted,” I say, finishing for him. Emotionless, void.

Abram takes a slow draw of air through his nose as his face smooths out. He looks like he could use brandy and a glass. Although with the way he fumes now, it’s doubtful he’d touch the glass.

“It’s a word, it’s what happened,” I grit out. Forcing myself to push the word from my mouth again. “I was assaulted.” My voice as sharp as a fresh piece of broken glass.

“How long have you been living alone?” Eli asks, staring down the bridge of his nose. A dead look in his eyes.

“Almost four years,” I admit.

My words linger in the air as the weight of the room grows heavier at my admission. I knew how it sounded, but I didn’t hesitate.

It was my truth.

Beaten, I became hyperaware of everything. My muscles felt sore and heavy, the stress pushing my adrenaline to the maximum. Exhausting me.

Yet, the strength I did have left, I managed to find the words to say, “A long time ago a man took something from me. After today, he doesn’t have that power anymore.”

Today I was able to say the word for the first time out loud.

