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My grades were up, I had a few close friends and one hot ass boyfriend that drove me wild. Yes, that wordboyfriend, still made my toes tingle too.

I was all set, and I couldn’t have wanted anything more.

From the beginning, I told you my life though could never be that simple. Something bad always lurking around the corner.

Speaking of, I had been rounding one of the last few I needed to make it to class. I was running late and so Abram volunteered to drive me to school. Which I accepted because it beat walking.

Things between us weren’t fixed but they didn’t feel as damaged either. He was trying at least, but not being overly pushy. Giving me my space, which I appreciated.

I was steps away from my classroom door when I am yanked. Pulled into a darkened classroom.

My body seized, tensing. A hand covering my mouth minimizing my yelp of shock.

The muscles in my shoulders relax hearing Iceman’s throaty laugh and I deflate. He smirks down at me, pushing my back softly into the door as my eyes flare.

Pulling away when I bite at his palm not hard enough to hurt but enough that he drops it from my mouth.

“What are you doing?” I seethe, keeping my voice low.

His lips turn up. “Hi princess.”

“You’re an ass,” I say, ignoring the innocence floating in his eyes. It was making me woozy. “What is wrong with you?”

“Lots of things.” His grin slow.

“Shouldn’t you be in class?”

“Shouldn’t you?” he fires right back.

I roll my eyes, but it carries no weight. He knew I was running late. We’d been texting the entire time.

“I wanted to see you this morning before our classes.” His bottom lip jutting out in almost a pout. Plump and delectable like.

My ribs squeezed, literally compressing when he said things like this. He made me feel like I was floating. Cole was charming when he wanted to be.

I shoot him a look, but it doesn’t last long before I was grinning. Because how could I stay mad when he was looking at me like that.

“You’re making me late,” I say. Trying not to swoon over the flutters running wild in my stomach.

Every day he was making it harder and harder not to grow attached and that was dangerous. Iceman becoming lethal for my health.

Those glaciers for eyes narrow, not liking my statement. “Well, I missed you,” he huffs out.

My shoulders relax into the wood.

“I missed you too,” I admit after a few seconds and his face softens. I did too, even though we’d only seen each other just yesterday.

He breathes, stepping into me. “How much?”

There it was again, my heart squeezing almost to the point of suffocation. I swear Cole Kellet would be the death of me.

A lethal hint of something grows in his eye as his fingers skim the collar of my blazer. The sensation shooting shock waves everywhere.

His pupils dilate the more he sees my skin warm.

“You know what the best part of you having to wear this uniform every day is?” Fingers lowering as my heart rate skyrockets. A wolfish glint hanging in his eye.

I swallow. My skin flushing when his tongue pokes out, sucking on his bottom lip. He was provoking me, and it was working.

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