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She was insinuating things she had no right to insinuate. Lorna was implying that I’d changed my hair color to fit in, to look like one of them. To be a Casper. I thought she’d been onto something, but she couldn’t have been more wrong.

Further from the truth. The furthest possible.

My teeth gnash together. “And just because you have a husband, doesn’t mean you’re loved.”

My skin prickles when she lets out a bark of laugh so heinous, I could barf.

“Who said anything about love?” she chides.

My breathing hard but slow as she stood blocking me on the step. I was beginning to see what Finn had mentioned the other night. Their marriage one of practicality rather than appreciation for one another.

Her mouth twitches, waiting a long moment before speaking. “I saw the way the Kellet boy was looking at you at dinner.” Her voice is soft, patronizing. “He wants you.”

I shook my head, looking away, grating my jaw. Cole hates me. In her messed up, distorted head, she must be confusing the two.

“Word of advice.” Her honeyed voice dripped with suggestion. “Spreading your legs only gets you to the door, you have to earn your way before your allowed in the kingdom.”

Her smirk, dark and cunning. Blood pumped faster in my chest.

“Aren’t you supposed to be on a flight?” I snarl, hands trembling.

“Your mother was never good at winning either.” I mask the terror in my eyes. Her tone bold. “Which is how I ended up here and she ended up… where did they find you again? Allison’s, was it?”

I could tell by the way her chin dipped, and the edges of her mouth curved, she knew what it’s called. I corrected her anyway. Alma deserved better.

“I’ve got to say even I was a little surprised by that. Figured Lillian would have at least had better taste. Letting her child work at someplace so.” She scrunches her nose in distaste. “Run down.”

“You’re wrong.”

“Am I?” she belittles. Blistering in sarcasm. “How so?”

She was goading me. It almost worked.

“I didn’t live—” I bite my tongue so hard I can taste blood to stop the words from pouring out. She didn’t deserve to know the truth. Alma didn’t even know, so I wasn’t about to tell Lorna.

“Did you have something to say, dear?” she asks, resting her hands on her hips.

I shake my head slowly.

“Here I was sulking about the bad weather delaying my trip.” She pouts. Lips turning into a sneer. “Then you come along and suffice as entertainment for the evening.”

My lungs heaved. I am worked up and I didn’t want to be.

“You talk a big game, Lorna.” Voice shaded in disdain, inching my way closer. “But I’ve watched you too and I know you’re as empty as the rest of us.”

Lorna’s enamored face twists as she studies me. Eyes reduced to slits. She grabs at my elbow, but I shove her off. Going around.

“Empty inside beats being dead on the outside.”

Her parting words before I take off. My feet bouncing off the worn road are the only thing making me feel free.

I had to get out of that house. Bypassing the gates this time uncaring where I ended up as long as it’s away from that poisonous woman.

I don’t know how long I’ve been gone or how far away I went but I don’t care. The moon at its full peak. It’s my only source of light as I keep moving. I run until all I can feel is the searing pain in my lungs, screaming to stop.

I press harder. Maybe if I’m lucky they’ll explode.

Only a handful of cars have passed. None of them slowing down at my back like this one. The lights bouncing off my frame the closer they draw near. My shadow sprinting ahead of me. That familiar silver car pulling next to me matching my speed as I slow down to a walk.
