Page 15 of Lady Bits

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He looks up at me and a slow smile slides across his face. “Like you, this isn’t how I pictured myself becoming a parent, but the more I think about it and get used to the idea, the more I already can’t wait to meet him or her.”

I put my hand over his and we look back down at my flat belly.

A thought occurs to me, and I bring my eyes back to his face. “What about us?”

“What do you mean?”

I put pressure on the back of his hand on my stomach. “This obviously changes things. We agreed yesterday that we wanted to see where this thing between us leads. Is that still the case for you?”

Instead of answering me, he palms the back of my head with his free hand and leans forward at the same time he pulls me forward. Our kiss starts out slow and sweet, but quickly turns into something a lot more heated. I widen my legs, giving him room to press his cock against my core. My fingers clutch the material of his shirt against his sides and he tilts my head so I’m at a better angle for him. I moan into his mouth when he rocks his hips, silently cursing the clothes between us.

When he lifts his head a couple of moments later, I’m halfway to the delirious stage.

“I’ve wanted to do that since you answered the door,” he rumbles thickly. “Does that answer your question?”

I lick my lips, loving the taste of him. “Yes. But I need to know if this is more than just physical for you.”

He sits back on his heels, but keeps his hands on my thighs. “It’s more than physical. I can’t promise what the future will be like, just like you can’t promise that either. Right now though, I want you. Not just because you have a sinfully sexy body that I can’t seem to get enough of. And not even because you’re carrying our baby. I don’t know what it is I’m feeling, I just know I want more of it.”

His words aren’t promises of hearts and flowers and an out of this world love, but they’re enough for now. I’m in the same boat as him. I don’t know what to call the feelings I have for Carter, only that I don’t want to give them up.

Although a secret part of me whispers that whatever it is will be life changing.

Whether that change is good or bad is still yet to be determined.
