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Chapter Eight

Emily clutched bags of groceries as she and Krew walked the couple of blocks to Caleb’s house. She should’ve driven. Even though she wore thin gloves, the handles of the grocery bags were digging into her palms. Krew happily carried his lacrosse stick, gloves, and a cake she’d made earlier today. She prayed the cake didn’t topple.

“Then Harley and me told Ethan that Caleb Jewel is my coach, and he was like, ‘No way,’ and I was like, ‘Yes way,’ and then after, like, a bunch of ‘ways,’ he finally believed me—’cause you have to believe Harley; he’s, like, the best kid in the class—so then Ethan said me and Harley could play on his team this spring. How beastly is that, Mama?”

“Way cool.” She shifted the bags in her hands and walked faster, her shoulders aching now. Beastly? It was his new word, and she wasn’t sure about it yet.

“Cool?” He snorted in derision. “Ethan has the best lax team, and some of his coaches played for Denver University when they won the championship. Can you believe that, Mama? Clutch. I mean, it’s not as beastly as Caleb Jewel, but still … beastly.”

Emily could see Caleb’s front porch now. Almost there.

The door sprang open, and Caleb hurried across the porch and down the stairs. It wasn’t a bitter January night, probably about forty, but it still wasn’t warm enough to rush outside in a T-shirt, joggers, and socks. He looked incredible, and just the sight of him brought back the memory of their kisses. Heaven. If the memories of kissing him were all she had to survive until March, at least she had amazing ones.

“Caleb!” Krew rushed toward him.

Caleb grinned and upped his pace to meet her boy. It melted her heart as much as the memory of his kisses.

Emily watched the cake pan wobble in Krew’s arm. “Oh, goodness’ sakes.” She hurried forward. “Krew, be care—”

The cake went flying. Emily watched her hard work go to meet its demise. Caleb dove … and scooped the cake before it hit the pavement. His elbows scraped along the pavement instead. Emily winced and cried out. Krew cheered. Caleb popped up to his feet, grinning at her as a thin trickle of blood worked its way down the back of his right arm and to his elbow.

“Caleb!” Emily set all of the groceries in the middle of the street and rushed to him. “Your arms!”

Caleb glanced down as the drop of blood fell to the pavement. He shrugged. “It’s just a little scratch, but I saved …” He lifted the tinfoil and grinned. “Chocolate cake? That was a good save.”

“For sure!” Krew put out his hand for a high five.

“Boys!” Emily put her hands on her hips. “Let’s go doctor you up.”

Caleb’s grin grew. “Now you’re talking.” He hurried over to the groceries she’d abandoned and easily scooped all the heavy bags into one hand, balancing the cake on the other.

Emily stared at him. Oh my, he was impressive.

Krew danced by his side, repeating his story about Ethan and how he could hardly believe that Krew and Harley knew Caleb.

“Pretty big accomplishment to know me.” Caleb winked at Emily over Krew’s head.

They reached the front door, and Emily held up her hands. “Let me take those sacks and go find some paper towels so you don’t drip blood on your beautiful wood floor.”

Caleb pushed through his door, laughing. “Blood wipes up easily.”

“How do you know that?”

He hurried through the entryway and into the huge great room, luckily only dropping a few splatters of blood. “My twin Seth and I were crazy. Well, I guess we still are.” He set the groceries and cake down and pulled out some paper towels, trying to dab both elbows with them.

Emily hurried to help him, holding the paper towels to each elbow to stop the bleeding before she investigated to see how bad it was. She wanted to hear more about his twin. She’d read about his family members online, but she would love to hear about each of them from him.

“Coach,” Krew called out. “Can I go start practicing?”

“Sure, buddy,” Caleb said.

Krew dashed toward the laundry room and the stairs leading down to the sports court.

Emily was acutely aware that she was alone with Caleb. He gazed down at her, and the air between them seemed to pulse. Being so close to him made her feel a bit unsteady, or maybe it was the blood.

“I love when he calls me coach,” Caleb said.

“He loves being around you.” She smiled. “And bragging about you as well.”
