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Chapter Six

Eve’s fingers trembled as she slid into skinny jeans and a blousy, polka dot shirt. Beck had texted to wear pants and bring socks and sweatshirts. She assumed they were going ice skating. She didn’t care what he had planned, she simply wanted more time with him, but still, she was scared. The fear infuriated her. Beck was a good man—a great man. She enjoyed being around him and she was learning to trust him. Still, Mark’s handsome face made its unwelcome appearance in her mind and she could never forget his parting words, “I never wanted you, only your money. The only reason any man would claim to love you is your family money and your pretty face because you’re the most boring stick in the mud I’ve ever been around.”

She swallowed hard to keep the ugly emotion from choking her. She focused on her face as she put on some simple makeup. Could Mark be right and there were only two reasons a man would want her? Her pretty face and her money? Beck gave her sweet compliments often, but many of them were focused on her calming personality or the fun time they had flirting and simply being together. Did he really think she was fun? He brought out a happy side of her that was different than the happiness she felt with her family and even with Paisley. She always allowed her siblings and Paisley to be the fun, sometimes almost feeling like a spectator. With Beck, she felt like she was center stage and could soar with the stars. He gave Paisley plenty of attention while still making Eve feel important, valued, and even fun. How did he do that?

The doorbell rang and she heard Paisley yell, “I get it!”

Eve grabbed her phone and rushed through the loft and down the stairs. Paisley was swinging the door wide and screaming, “My Beck!”

Eve reached the landing in time to see Beck lift her daughter into the air, making her giggle. He held her in his arms and Paisley sweetly framed his face and exclaimed, “I’m so excited! This is going to be the best night of my life!”

“I’m excited too.” Beck shifted Paisley to his left arm and focused on Eve. “Ah, Eve.” He didn’t say she was beautiful or anything but she could see it in his gaze.

She smiled. “Hi, Beck. You look great.” She meant it too. He filled out a Henley-style shirt and dark wash jeans perfectly.

“Not as great as you.”

Eve blushed.

“‘My mama’s face is like a work of art’,” Paisley quoted.

Eve blushed deeper as Beck’s eyebrows went up. “That’s true, Pais. How does she come up with this stuff?” he asked Eve.

Eve knew exactly where she’d heard it. Some dork coming out of the gym a couple of afternoons ago had been flirting with her and tried to get her to go out with him by saying that line.

“Some yellow-haired guy said it.” Paisley shrugged.

Beck’s brow furrowed and the look in his blue eyes said he should be the only one giving Eve compliments. She reassured him with her gaze that he was the only one she trusted to compliment her. Beck’s face softened and he gave her the most appealing smile. Eve’s breath caught. He was proving impossible for her to resist.

“Let’s go eat,” Paisley demanded.

“Dinner first then?” Beck focused back on Paisley.

“Yes, sir! I’m a starvin’ Marvin,” Paisley said.

Eve grabbed the backpack with her and Paisley’s sweatshirts, socks, gum, snacks, and lip gloss, and walked onto the front porch as Beck held the door. “Nice place,” he said.

She nodded. “Thanks. We love it here.”

“Do I get the tour later?” Something in his throaty voice brought her head up. Later as in after Paisley was in bed and they could be alone? Surely he wouldn’t push her that fast, would he? She hadn’t spelled out her trust and commitment issues but this was their first official night date and she was being pretty trusting simply letting him know where she lived. There was no way she’d invite him in and give him the tour. Beck seemed great, but caution with men outside her family circle had become a way with her.

“Maybe in a few weeks,” she said.

Beck’s eyebrows lifted, but all he said was, “Okay.”

Beck easily lifted Paisley’s car seat and carried both it and Paisley to his car. He set Paisley down to secure her car seat in the back as Eve gaped at his car. “Are you sure you want to put a car seat in that? I can drive.”

He chuckled. “It’s just a car.”

Eve wanted to argue with him. She’d never seen a vehicle as beautiful as this sleek four-door navy and silver machine. Her brothers would know exactly what kind of car it was. Eve only knew it was pretty, and the man who drove it was irresistible.

They loaded up and drove to Abejas. Beck made sure to get a private table in a back corner, which she really appreciated. Apparently he’d noticed she didn’t want the media, or anyone else’s, attention. Except for his. She couldn’t have imagined a month ago that she would risk media exposure to date anyone, but she couldn’t resist more time with Beck.

They ate a delicious meal in the trendy restaurant. Eve had the salmon and it melted on her tongue. She felt a little underdressed, especially when some beautiful women in skintight cocktail dresses rushed to their table and asked for pictures with Beck. He obliged and Eve kept her smile in place; at least they weren’t redheads and at least they weren’t interested in pictures of her or Paisley.

Paisley was her adorable self, talking nonstop to Beck, telling the waiter that her grilled cheese was “delectable”, and helping Eve relax and enjoy the night. Beck was attentive to both of them and Eve hated how she held back with him. If she couldn’t trust a man as kind, open, and impressive as Beck, would she ever be able to trust anyone? It was more than obvious that Beck was invested in the two of them. Why couldn’t she let her issues go and trust him?

After dinner Beck took them to an indoor ice skating rink. Paisley was enthralled and so excited as they put on their sweatshirts, socks, and skates. The place was empty besides them and a couple of employees.
