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Allison awoke to the plane descending in Belize. She didn’t have any time alone with Birch as they transferred to the helicopter waiting for them, but maybe it was just as well. Half an hour later were touring Luke and Mar’s insanely gorgeous island.

She was ticked that Birch would suspect her friend Bermuda of not only trying to beat her out of the role but to take such extreme measures to do so. Create a copycat stalker, send someone to attack Allison, stir up a media mess for Allison and Birch in Jackson Hole? Bermuda would never do any of that. She felt badly that Bermuda had broken Birch’s heart, but they’d both been young and he hadn’t really given Allison the full story. She was certain his broken heart or injured pride was giving him the motivation to hate and suspect her friend.

They finished their tour and Luke and Mar went to get settled in their bungalow. They’d meet back up with them for dinner. Allison and Birch were shown to their two-bedroom bungalow. She wasn’t sure she liked the idea of sharing, but she couldn’t imagine the price of one of these private cottages with their own swimming pool and jungle and beach view. She wasn’t about to ask Luke to give her her own.

As soon as the smiling assistant had left she felt an awkwardness creep in between them. She and Birch’s conversation about why he couldn’t date an actress had been interrupted by all of this craziness. With his insinuations against Bermuda, and the way he was back to treating actresses as if they were his enemy, she was uncomfortable and not sure that they had a chance at any sort of relationship.

“What now?” she asked.

“What would you like to do?” he asked stiffly.

She forced a smile. “The adventure course, the ziplines, scuba diving, and a mountain bike ride.”

He smiled and it seemed pretty genuine. “Sorry, maybe in a day or two if your shoulder is feeling better. It’s relaxing by the pool or on the beach or I guess we could hike to the waterfall if you feel up to that.”

She wrinkled her nose and scowled at her sling. “I don’t mind relaxing, but I need to get some energy out first. Flying all night and all the … stress of everything.”

He nodded as if he completely understood. “Shall we try the waterfall hike?”

“Let’s do it.” She picked up her small suitcase to take it upstairs to one of the bedrooms but he took it from her fingers. She was reminded of when they flew to Jackson Hole and he’d done the same thing. As he looked her over with a warm smile she wanted to relax and enjoy paradise with him but feared all they had to overcome. She really, really liked him. Why did there have to be so much junk between them?
